fog / fog-google

Fog for Google Cloud Platform
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Bucket names with dashes in them cause errors in mocks #598

Open mateomurphy opened 1 year ago

mateomurphy commented 1 year ago

I'm running into an issue when trying to mock google storage:

storage ={
  :google_storage_access_key_id => "id",
  :google_storage_secret_access_key => "key"

bucket = storage.directories.create(key: "name")

pp bucket.files.all # returns []

bucket = storage.directories.create(key: "name-with-dashes")

pp bucket.files.all # raises Excon::Error::BadRequest

This happens because this line of code rejects names that have non word characters in them:

However according to google's documentation, dashes, underscores and dots are legal:

mateomurphy commented 1 year ago

BTW I forked and modified this, and can submit a PR if that would be helpful

Temikus commented 10 months ago

@mateomurphy very! Please do 🙏