fog / fog-google

Fog for Google Cloud Platform
MIT License
99 stars 146 forks source link

Add uniform attr to inserting file #600

Closed cwjenkins closed 11 months ago

cwjenkins commented 11 months ago

The following provides a way to ignore predefined_acl when fog-google is used within another gem that invokes public= (e.g. paperclip) without the user explicitly setting it.

Temikus commented 11 months ago

Something's up with bundler in unit tests, while I sort those out, manually kicked off integration tests, all green:

λ bundle exec rake test:storage
Started with run options --seed 16871

  test_list_objects                                               PASS (4.47s)
  test_put_object_url                                             PASS (1.93s)
  test_directories_put_predefined_acl                             PASS (1.93s)
  test_put_object_contradictory_content_type                      PASS (3.65s)
  test_files_each                                                 PASS (4.30s)
  test_files_metadata                                             PASS (4.01s)
  test_directory_files                                            PASS (3.94s)
  test_files_create_file                                          PASS (4.56s)
  test_copy_object                                                PASS (4.46s)
  test_get_bucket_acl                                             PASS (3.40s)
  test_put_bucket_predefined_acl                                  PASS (1.95s)
  test_files_set_body_file                                        PASS (5.59s)
  test_list_buckets                                               PASS (2.74s)
  test_put_bucket_acl                                             PASS (2.94s)
  test_copy_object_with_object_property                           PASS (4.43s)
  test_directories_put                                            PASS (2.08s)
  test_files_public_url                                           PASS (5.24s)
  test_files_all                                                  PASS (4.54s)
  test_files_copy                                                 PASS (7.12s)
  test_put_object_string                                          PASS (3.94s)
  test_directories_get                                            PASS (2.46s)
  test_list_bucket_acl                                            PASS (3.89s)
  test_put_bucket_invalid_predefined_acl                          PASS (0.96s)
  test_put_object_predefined_acl                                  PASS (3.24s)
  test_copy_object_with_request_options                           PASS (3.69s)
  test_files_create_predefined_acl                                PASS (3.33s)
  test_get_bucket                                                 PASS (2.60s)
  test_directory_public_url                                       PASS (2.67s)
  test_files_create_string                                        PASS (3.86s)
  test_get_object_https_url                                       PASS (3.20s)
  test_copy_object_predefined_acl                                 PASS (5.41s)
  test_directories_all                                            PASS (2.91s)
  test_files_set_body_string                                      PASS (5.91s)
  test_put_object_nil                                             PASS (2.02s)
  test_object_metadata                                            PASS (3.40s)
  test_put_object_file                                            PASS (3.70s)
  test_directories_put_invalid_predefined_acl                     PASS (0.95s)
  test_files_get_https_url_whitespace                             PASS (2.74s)
  test_get_object                                                 PASS (3.99s)
  test_files_create_invalid_predefined_acl                        PASS (2.11s)
  test_files_get_https_url                                        PASS (2.29s)
  test_list_object_acl                                            PASS (3.58s)
  test_put_object_acl                                             PASS (3.69s)
  test_put_bucket                                                 PASS (2.24s)
  test_delete_object                                              PASS (4.11s)
  test_delete_bucket                                              PASS (3.27s)
  test_get_object_acl                                             PASS (3.98s)
  test_files_get                                                  PASS (4.22s)
  test_put_object_paperclip                                       PASS (3.58s)
  test_put_object_invalid_predefined_acl                          PASS (2.18s)
  test_directories_destroy                                        PASS (3.16s)
  test_files_destroy                                              PASS (5.79s)
  test_get_object_http_url                                        PASS (3.10s)

Finished in 185.46124s
53 tests, 66 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

Merging. Thank you @cwjenkins ❤️