fog / fog-openstack

Fog for OpenStack Platform
MIT License
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Uxexpected connection between provider name and openstack_temp_url_key #311

Open warpc opened 7 years ago

warpc commented 7 years ago

I found unexpected behavior with follow options which used in CarrierWave: = :fog
    config.fog_provider = 'fog/openstack
    config.fog_public = false
    config.fog_credentials = {
      provider: 'OpenStack',

If provider setup as 'OpenStack', it will support upload/remove/view with temporary tempurl. but if provider setup as 'openstack', it will support upload/remove, but view with temporary tempurl will not works (will show only last part of url without server as local assest).

timuralp commented 7 years ago

@warpc I tried reproducing this problem with docker Swift all-in-one (, but cannot reproduce the behavior of failing to be able to GET an object. Could you supply a test case that demonstrates the problem?

For reference, this was my attempt:

os = 'openstack')
os.get_object_https_url('foo', 'bar', + 3600)

I am able to use curl to retrieve the object using this URL (for Swift all-in-one, I had to mutate the scheme and host).