fogleman / gg

Go Graphics - 2D rendering in Go with a simple API.
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Call quadratic bezier function in QuadraticTo #114

Open nileshpatra opened 3 years ago

nileshpatra commented 3 years ago

In accordance with #113

PS: This also seems to fix failing tests on arm64

nileshpatra commented 3 years ago

@fogleman please consider to review this. As this fails and results in a regression on arm64 which is important for me to be fixed.

fogleman commented 3 years ago

The underlying freetype/raster package natively supports quadratic bezier curves (but not cubic). The quadratic curves are rendered with those Add2 functions. What issues were you seeing with the original code?

nileshpatra commented 3 years ago

@fogleman the rendered image in arm64 which indirectly uses the QuadraticTo function renders an image with slight deltas. This leads to failing tests for the same. However all other functions render perfectly identical graphics between both the architectures.

I suspect that this is somewhere due to minor rendering issues?

Please let me know. Although I've tested it, but I'd also appreciate if you could let me know if this patch is not a "breaking" change?

fogleman commented 3 years ago

Can you post sample code and the output images?

nileshpatra commented 3 years ago

@fogleman Sample code and output with the patch applied

package main

import "./ups/gg"

func main() {
    const S = 1024
    dc := gg.NewContext(S, S)
    dc.SetRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
    for i := 0; i < 360; i += 15 {
        dc.RotateAbout(gg.Radians(float64(i)), S/2, S/2)
        dc.DrawEllipse(S/2, S/2, S*7/16, S/8)
    if im, err := gg.LoadImage("examples/gopher.png"); err == nil {
        dc.DrawImageAnchored(im, S/2, S/2, 0.5, 0.5)


nileshpatra commented 3 years ago

Another one using QuadraticTo directly

package main

import "./ups/gg"

func main() {
    const S = 1000
    dc := gg.NewContext(S, S)
    dc.SetRGB(1, 1, 1)
    dc.Translate(S/2, S/2)
    dc.Scale(40, 40)

    var x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 float64
    x0, y0 = -10, 0
    x1, y1 = -5, -10
    x2, y2 = 0, 0
    x3, y3 = 5, 10
    x4, y4 = 10, 0

    dc.MoveTo(x0, y0)
    dc.LineTo(x1, y1)
    dc.LineTo(x2, y2)
    dc.LineTo(x3, y3)
    dc.LineTo(x4, y4)

    dc.MoveTo(x0, y0)
    dc.QuadraticTo(x1, y1, x2, y2)
    dc.QuadraticTo(x3, y3, x4, y4)
    dc.SetRGB(0, 0, 0)

    dc.DrawCircle(x0, y0, 0.5)
    dc.DrawCircle(x1, y1, 0.5)
    dc.DrawCircle(x2, y2, 0.5)
    dc.DrawCircle(x3, y3, 0.5)
    dc.DrawCircle(x4, y4, 0.5)
    dc.SetRGB(1, 1, 1)
    dc.SetRGB(0, 0, 0)

    dc.LoadFontFace("/Library/Fonts/Arial.ttf", 200)
    dc.DrawStringAnchored("g", -5, 5, 0.5, 0.5)
    dc.DrawStringAnchored("G", 5, -5, 0.5, 0.5)



fogleman commented 3 years ago

But what does it look like without the fix?

nileshpatra commented 3 years ago

@fogleman Without fixes on amd64:

out out

On arm64: out out1

Though they look identical but their md5sums are different

fogleman commented 3 years ago

OK, actually the tests in gg should probably be changed to permit small, indistinguishable differences since various platforms produce subtly different results. So, instead of using md5sums, comparing images and ensuring that the delta is small.

nileshpatra commented 3 years ago

OK, actually the tests in gg should probably be changed to permit small, indistinguishable differences since various platforms produce subtly different results. So, instead of using md5sums, comparing images and ensuring that the delta is small.

@fogleman Thanks for clarifying. Two questions:

For the background: I actually maintain this as a package in Debian. And this fails for archs other than amd64 hence causing a regression

  1. Can I temporarily apply this patch and upload for now - or should I wait for the testing fixes? - Since I wish to be certain that this patch actually doesn't break anything
  2. Could you modify the tests by the next release?

This is actually blocking the migration of many other packages and hence I wished this to be fixed soonish.