fogleman / primitive

Reproducing images with geometric primitives.
MIT License
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What's the meaning of "worker" #108

Open Rusching opened 2 years ago

Rusching commented 2 years ago

Your work is amazing and I am truly amazed! While reading the code, I have something that I don't understand. What does 'worker' mean? Is it to start multiple threads at the same time to perform the hill climbing algorithm to get the optimal result? If only one worker is used, will it affect the result?

mathieu-aubin commented 1 year ago

workers usually mean number of cpu cores used for processing. Defaukt seems to use all cores but if you needed to slow down processing, you could use a single core only per example.

result should be the same(ish)... i dont think theres a way to generate exact same output every time so it will do the deed and process images correctly, albeit slower