fohrloop / wakepy

Cross-platform keep-awake with python
MIT License
189 stars 13 forks source link

The wakepy logo/text printed to CLI is broken on 0.10.0 #399

Closed fohrloop closed 1 week ago

fohrloop commented 1 week ago

This is what you'll see:

                 | |
 __      __ __ _ | | __ ___  _ __   _   _
 \ \ /\ / // _` || |/ // _ \| '_ \ | | | |
  \ V  V /| (_| ||   <|  __/| |_) || |_| |
   \_/\_/  \__,_||_|\_\\___|| .__/  \__, |
  v.0.10.0              | |      __/ |
                            |_|     |___/ 
 [x] System will continue running programs
 [ ] Display is kept on and automatic screenlock disabled.

 ⢆⡱ [Press Ctrl+C to exit] ^C