fokkonaut / F-DDrace

F-DDrace is a server-side modification of Teeworlds, developed by fokkonaut.
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Account sessions #265

Open Sedonya opened 2 weeks ago

Sedonya commented 2 weeks ago

It will be very cool if the player will be automatically logged into the account when he logs in from the IP on which he has already entered the password 🌵

ChillerDragon commented 2 weeks ago

So your little brother can empty your bank account? And every lan party and public wifi becomes a risk for your account.

It should at least be IP + timeout code and ideally expire otherwise the amount of users with forgetten passwords probably increases. It also still would make it dangerous to use a shared device or someone elses device. Since there is no incognito mode.

If you personally are annoyed by using a password bind I recommend using a client with password manager :P