foliojs / fontkit

An advanced font engine for Node and the browser
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Issues with fontkit and Roboto Thin #203

Open DHTMLGoodies opened 5 years ago

DHTMLGoodies commented 5 years ago

We're experiencing some strange issues when using fontkit and the Google font "Roboto-Thin"

When working with this font locally(localhost - http), everything works fine, but once we deploy our app to a production server(https), i.e. minimize, package(zip) and upload, the letter "a" in the Roboto-Thin font is gone.

I have done some console.log of the Fontkit.font object returned from this font. The letter "a" has acii code 97. If I understand the fontkit.font properly, I can see that characterSet entry 68 refers to 97. Then, when I look into the _glyphs array, I can see that the entry 68 has codePoints set to [97] on my localhost. However, on the https production server, the same _glyphs entry has codePoints set to an empty array(codePoints: []). I assume this is the reason why we can't see the letter "a" there.

In summary:

I'm parsing the same Roboto-Thin.ttf file on my localhost and on the production server(xhr request to same url).- the font can be downloaded from Google fonts. On my localhost, I get correct Font data back from fontkit On a https production server, I get different font data for the same font where codePoints for _glyphs[68] is empty. It's a very strange problem. Have you experienced this before, and do you have any tip on what the cause could be?

The ttf for Roboto-Thin.ttf is attached.


Pomax commented 5 years ago

It's going to be hard to say what causes it without exact details on that build system: does it touch fonts? (if so, definitely worth making it not do that: just use woff2 -or legacy woff- and leave it as is, instead of running it through a build system).

DHTMLGoodies commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your reply.

The build system(grunt) does not touch the fonts. It minimizes the Javascript files(including fontkit) and bundles them into one app.js.

I can imagine that this is a hard issue to debug. From what I have found so far, It seems like fontkit are returning different data for this font after fontkit has been minimized(using

Our system retrieves the font from an url using xhr. Then it's passed to fontkit. I did an md5 checksum for the font, and it was exact match for the working version(localhost) and the non-working version(https production site). However, fontkit reported different data.

We managed to come around this problem now by using "otf" fonts instead ( we cannot use woff). Roboto-Thin.otf works.

Pomax commented 5 years ago

Can I suggest trying a different compressor first? If the code behaves differently after minimizing, something fishy is going on with that minimizer. The big one to try would be grunt-contrib-uglify, which is the default recommended minifier in the grunt ecosystem.

Yankovsky commented 4 years ago

Probably the same underlying problem