foliojs / fontkit

An advanced font engine for Node and the browser
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Variable Fonts / JavaScript / Generative Typography #228

Open HiImDaniel-type opened 4 years ago

HiImDaniel-type commented 4 years ago

Hello guys, im Daniel, a graphic designer from Portugal ending my master degree about manipulation of variable fonts to produce kinetic typography experiments. Im creating this topic because my main ideia is to create a web system where the user can manipulate a variable font (that i created) and add some graphic elements (circles.. generative elements etc...) Since at least in p5.js the only way to add a variable font is trough DOM elements, not on canvas, how on earth will i be able to add generative elements to a variable font ? I asked a lot of people and someone sended me here! Hope you can help me!

Have a good day!