foliojs / fontkit

An advanced font engine for Node and the browser
1.45k stars 213 forks source link

Browser support #77

Closed pwichmann closed 1 year ago

pwichmann commented 7 years ago

You state...

Fontkit is an advanced font engine for Node and the browser

...but you don't offer an explanation (for the less well-versed among us) how Fontkit can be used for the browser environment. It'd be amazing if you could add a few lines about how one would do that (i.e. without node.js).

I would expect something like a *.js file that I could embed in an HTML file. But it's probably not that easy...

Many thanks! This is a super helpful library.

imkamil commented 7 years ago

Can anyone help?

Pomax commented 7 years ago

You can bundle it for use in the browser using browserify, webpack, or other tools that can take commonjs code as input to produce browser-loadble ES5/ES6 code.

adamdyson commented 7 years ago

I was just searching to do the same thing, some documentation on this subject would be nice.

defue commented 7 years ago

Anyone managed to produce browser-loadable code? Could someone share instructions on how to do it? I am trying to browserify it and get the below error:

SyntaxError: 'import' and 'export' may appear only with 'sourceType: module' (1:0) while parsing file: /home/user/fontkit/node_modules/fontkit/src/TTFFont.js

twardoch commented 7 years ago

defue commented 7 years ago

@twardoch, thanks a lot for the links!

indolering commented 6 years ago

Browsers are finally starting to support ES6 module loading natively. How about an additional rollup config that resolves all of the CommonJS modules and handles misc Babel transforms?

indolering commented 6 years ago

I just submitted a pull request that adds a build for browsers via Browserify. This is less than ideal: Browserify adds to the size and doesn't support ES6 syntax. I think the "only" major dependency on Node is Buffer and Stream. Browsers have a slightly different implementation of buffers but a subset of the API is shared with Node.

Pomax commented 6 years ago

@indolering only in webkit/blink for the forseeable future, unfortunately.

indolering commented 6 years ago

@Pomax The PR request I submitted transpiles to ES5 and UMD.

bkstorm commented 6 years ago

Hey guy, how to use this library without using module loader like requirejs, commonjs, webpack, .... I mean just native js.

mirrec commented 6 years ago

I have extracted code from @twardoch post. Thanks for that! This load font in the browser. Hope it will help.

const loadBlob = (blob) => {
  blobToBuffer(blob, (err, buffer) => {
    if (err) {
      throw err;

    let font = fontkit.create(buffer)
    // do something with font

fetch('link-to-your-font.woff').then(res => res.blob()).then(loadBlob, console.error)
mrdoob commented 5 years ago

Indeed... It would be great if you could include standalone js es5/es6 files in the releases section.

Pomax commented 5 years ago

A small note on today's JS landscape: everything except legacy browsers (which is only a single browser right now; IE11) support ES6 at this point, so an ES5 release wouldn't make a whole lot of sense anymore.

That's more something that people who still need to support legacy browsers can quite easily effect themselves by running their code through a transpiler after bundling, rather than having individual libraries do this beforehand.

mrdoob commented 5 years ago

Sounds good. Standalone ES6 fontkit.module.js file then? 🤔

moffsugita commented 5 years ago

can't ? it is only server side only??

moffsugita commented 5 years ago

moffsugita commented 5 years ago

README says "Fontkit is an advanced font engine for Node and the browser, used by PDFKit. " but, can't.


var fontkit = require('fontkit');
const image = require(`./fonts/fonts/Open_Sans/OpenSans-Regular.ttf`);
fontkit.openSync(image, {
  family: 'Open Sans',

Error in browser

TypeError: fs.readFileSync is not a function
(anonymous function)
  3 | UnicodeTrie = require('unicode-trie');
  4 | data = require('./data.json');
  5 | fs = require('fs');
> 6 | trie = new UnicodeTrie(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/data.trie'));
  7 | 
  8 | log2 = Math.log2 || function (n) {
  9 |   return Math.log(n) / Math.LN2;
View compiled
alimoosavi15 commented 5 years ago

README says "Fontkit is an advanced font engine for Node and the browser, used by PDFKit. " but, can't.


var fontkit = require('fontkit');
const image = require(`./fonts/fonts/Open_Sans/OpenSans-Regular.ttf`);
fontkit.openSync(image, {
  family: 'Open Sans',

Error in browser

TypeError: fs.readFileSync is not a function
(anonymous function)
  3 | UnicodeTrie = require('unicode-trie');
  4 | data = require('./data.json');
  5 | fs = require('fs');
> 6 | trie = new UnicodeTrie(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/data.trie'));
  7 | 
  8 | log2 = Math.log2 || function (n) {
  9 |   return Math.log(n) / Math.LN2;
View compiled

I'm getting the same error. Did you find the solution?

mearns commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to bundle this using webpack. I'm not clear on the differences between webpack and browserify, but the issue with webpack seems to be the fs.readFileSync calls, as noted in the previous two comments. I'm curious how browserify is able to handle this, but more to the point, I'm looking for a way to do this with webpack.

mearns commented 5 years ago

I just put in a PR (#185) to get around the readFileSync issue, which I think will allow this to work in webpack.

nmassi commented 4 years ago

README says "Fontkit is an advanced font engine for Node and the browser, used by PDFKit. " but, can't.


var fontkit = require('fontkit');
const image = require(`./fonts/fonts/Open_Sans/OpenSans-Regular.ttf`);
fontkit.openSync(image, {
  family: 'Open Sans',

Error in browser

TypeError: fs.readFileSync is not a function
(anonymous function)
  3 | UnicodeTrie = require('unicode-trie');
  4 | data = require('./data.json');
  5 | fs = require('fs');
> 6 | trie = new UnicodeTrie(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/data.trie'));
  7 | 
  8 | log2 = Math.log2 || function (n) {
  9 |   return Math.log(n) / Math.LN2;
View compiled

I think I solved this by importing 'fontkit/base' instead of 'fontkit' but I don't found any documentation about this.

opcodewriter commented 3 years ago

Can someone please show a simple example how to get a browser build out of the fontkit repo?

It's 2021 (almost) and ES9 is supported in a every modern browser, so many of the concerns related to JS should not be an issue anymore.

domsson commented 3 years ago

Just scanned through the comments and still not sure how to use this with a plain browser + vanilla JS setup. Any tutorials out there that would guide me through the process step by step?

bennlich commented 3 years ago

Looks like the docs for this project are a little better:

But also this comment links to several examples that use fontkit in the browser:

tushuhei commented 3 years ago

This fork might be helpful to use on a browser.

BaGsn commented 2 years ago

This library is the only one (as far as I know) with the ability to read variable font tables from WOFF2 files. I tried to bundle it with browserify but I bumbed into the same issues when I tried to use the result (TypeError: fs.readFileSync is not a function). It would be great if someone with the knowledge could export a browser build.

Pomax commented 2 years ago

@BaGsn does the above fork not work for you?

Pomax commented 2 years ago

@Hopding I noticed your fork doesn't have issues enabled - that does make it a bit harder to recommend new PRs to merge in =)

(and suggest updates that won't ever happen here, as this project is effectively abandoned, near as I can figure. For instance, Node has had native brotli support for quite a while now, voiding the need for brotli.js)

luke-robertson commented 2 years ago

bumping to 2022

devongovett commented 2 years ago

Sorry but what is missing at this point? I did a lot of work on this recently. Here's a demo using fontkit in the browser with no build step. Is something else broken for you?

phil-r commented 2 years ago

Hey @devongovett! I don't think your link works

Pomax commented 2 years ago

If is the quasi-official CDN for fontkit, it might be good to copy that example into the as browser example so folks won't need to hunt for it.

devongovett commented 2 years ago

Something must have changed with the way works, because it worked when I wrote that codepen and I haven't changed anything. Sigh. I updated the pen to use the bundled mode, which seems to work.

I wouldn't say there's an "official" CDN for fontkit. Really, I'd recommend hosting it yourself, or bundling it into your application. That way you never get weird breakages like the above.

devongovett commented 1 year ago

Going to close this because I think it is working now. If you have further problems, please open a separate issue for that.

Typogram commented 1 year ago

Sorry but what is missing at this point? I did a lot of work on this recently. Here's a demo using fontkit in the browser with no build step. Is something else broken for you?

Your code works, thank you @devongovett! In your working codepen example, you use:

import * as fontkit from '';
/* - fontkit@2.0.2 */
export * from "";

But I don't see a fontkit.bundle.js in the build script or dist folder. How can I build fontkit.bundle.js from the source code?

jamj2000 commented 1 year ago

Sorry but what is missing at this point? I did a lot of work on this recently. Here's a demo using fontkit in the browser with no build step. Is something else broken for you?

Your code works, thank you @devongovett! In your working codepen example, you use:

import * as fontkit from '';
/* - fontkit@2.0.2 */
export * from "";

But I don't see a fontkit.bundle.js in the build script or dist folder. How can I build fontkit.bundle.js from the source code?

Follow de link.