folke / neodev.nvim

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Don't show "diagnosing..." status #7

Closed p00f closed 3 years ago

p00f commented 3 years ago

Hello, thanks for this plugin, very helpful. There's a minor inconvenience - without this plugin, I only get loading status


with this plugin, I get "Diagnosing \<file>" status too:


This spams my statusline every time I make an edit, how do I disable this? (Setting settings.Lua.window.progressBar in lspconfig to false disables loading status too, although I've done this for now)

I use with

p00f commented 3 years ago

My lsp setup is

local function on_init(client)
    client.config.flags = {}
    if ("flags")[client.config] then
        client.config.flags["allow_incremental_sync"] = true
        return nil
local capabilities = vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities()
local on_attach = require("lsp-status").on_attach
local diag_handler = {
    ["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"] = vim.lsp.with(vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics, {
        severity_sort = true,
        underline = true,
        update_in_insert = false,
        virtual_text = { prefix =  " 🞶" },
local luadev = require("lua-dev").setup({
    lspconfig = {
        capabilities = capabilities,
        cmd = {
        handlers = diag_handler,
        on_attach = on_attach,
        on_init = on_init,
        settings = {
            Lua = {
                completion = { keywordSnippet = true },
                diagnostics = { globals = { "vim", "wezterm" } },
                telemetry = { enable = true },
                workspace = { preloadFileSize = 170 },
folke commented 3 years ago

I don't do anything special here. Not sure what you are experiencing differently. You probably had the diagnosing messages before, but there might be more now, because of the added plugins to your workspace?

But again, I didn't change any settings

p00f commented 3 years ago

In the second screenshot it says diagnosing for the current file while there's nothing in the first one

But again, I didn't change any settings

:neutral_face: fair