folke / todo-comments.nvim

✅ Highlight, list and search todo comments in your projects
Apache License 2.0
3.17k stars 90 forks source link

bug: '@' character in alternative keywords #321

Open AllergicMushroom opened 6 days ago

AllergicMushroom commented 6 days ago

Did you check docs and existing issues?

Neovim version (nvim -v)

NVIM v0.10.1

Operating system/version

Artix Linux OpenRC 6.11

Describe the bug

I have found no way to make todo-comments recognize keywords starting by '@', e.g., '@todo', '@note', ...

Furthermore, putting a '@' character in the alternative keywords breaks the entire plugin, making it not recognize any other label, even if there is no '@' in its alternatives. For clarity, consider '@todo' as the only alt for TODO and 'bug' the only alt for FIX. Neither '@todo' nor 'bug' are recognized anymore.

I have also tried changing the recognition pattern, by escaping and by not escaping the '@' character. In both cases, the plugin works correctly with the specified alternatives in keywords, but does not recognize the '@' character. For clarity, consider 'todo' the only alternative for TODO and consider '[[@\b(KEYWORDS)\b]]' the recognition pattern. Then, '@todo' is not recognized by the plugin.

As of now, I have not found any way to have the '@' character be recognized.

Steps To Reproduce

Add the '@' character in one of the alternatives keywords.

Expected Behavior

The '@' is considered as an alphanumerical value and comments starting with '@[KEYWORD]' are highlighted.


vim.env.LAZY_STDPATH = ".repro"
load(vim.fn.system("curl -s"))()

  spec = {
    { "folke/todo-comments.nvim", opts = {
        signs = true,      -- show icons in the signs column
        sign_priority = 8, -- sign priority
        -- keywords recognized as todo comments
        keywords = {
            FIX = { icon = " ", color = "error", alt = { "@bug" }, },
            TODO = { icon = " ", color = "info", alt = { "@todo" } },
            NOTE = { icon = " ", color = "hint", alt = { "note" } },
            WARN = { icon = " ", color = "warning", alt = { "warning" } },
            HACK = { icon = " ", color = "warning" },
            PERF = { icon = " ", alt = { "performance" } },
        gui_style = {
            fg = 'NONE',       -- The gui style to use for the fg highlight group.
            bg = 'BOLD',       -- The gui style to use for the bg highlight group.
        merge_keywords = true, -- when true, custom keywords will be merged with the defaults
        -- highlighting of the line containing the todo comment
        -- * before: highlights before the keyword (typically comment characters)
        -- * keyword: highlights of the keyword
        -- * after: highlights after the keyword (todo text)
        highlight = {
            multiline = true,                -- enable multine todo comments
            multiline_pattern = '^.',        -- lua pattern to match the next multiline from the start of the matched keyword
            multiline_context = 10,          -- extra lines that will be re-evaluated when changing a line
            before = '',                     -- 'fg' or 'bg' or empty
            keyword = 'wide',                -- 'fg', 'bg', 'wide', 'wide_bg', 'wide_fg' or empty. (wide and wide_bg is the same as bg, but will also highlight surrounding characters, wide_fg acts accordingly but with fg)
            after = 'fg',                    -- 'fg' or 'bg' or empty
            pattern = [[.*<(KEYWORDS)\s*:]], -- pattern or table of patterns, used for highlighting (vim regex)
            comments_only = true,            -- uses treesitter to match keywords in comments only
            max_line_len = 400,              -- ignore lines longer than this
            exclude = {},                    -- list of file types to exclude highlighting
        -- list of named colors where we try to extract the guifg from the
        -- list of highlight groups or use the hex color if hl not found as a fallback
        colors = {
            error = { 'DiagnosticError', 'ErrorMsg', '#DC2626' },
            warning = { 'DiagnosticWarn', 'WarningMsg', '#FBBF24' },
            info = { 'DiagnosticInfo', '#2563EB' },
            hint = { 'DiagnosticHint', '#10B981' },
            default = { 'Identifier', '#7C3AED' },
            test = { 'Identifier', '#FF00FF' }
        search = {
            command = 'rg',
            args = {
            -- @todo How to add @ ?
            pattern = [[\b(KEYWORDS)\b]],
    -- add any other plugins here
asharkhan3101 commented 3 days ago

Duplicate of #213

AllergicMushroom commented 2 days ago

My apologies for the duplicate.

As I understand, a solution has been proposed consisting of replacing the special characters with a certain string. Are there any plans to implement it or some obstacle impeding it ?