folke / which-key.nvim

💥 Create key bindings that stick. WhichKey helps you remember your Neovim keymaps, by showing available keybindings in a popup as you type.
Apache License 2.0
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`<' - mapping seems to be breaking wk #32

Closed JoseConseco closed 3 years ago

JoseConseco commented 3 years ago

Hello @folke which key in lua is great. I just wonder what could happen today that config below wont work today and it worked yesterday...

    ['<leader>S'] = { ':Startify<CR>',                'Startify' },
    ['<leader>/'] = { ':Ag<CR>',                      'Search Project' },            --<plug>fzf,
    ['<leader>.'] = { ':Telescope find_files<CR>',    'Find File' },
    ['<leader>:'] = { ':Telescope commands<CR>',      'Commands' },
    ['<leader><'] = { ':Telescope buffers<CR>',       'Switch Buffer' },
    ["<leader>%"] = { ':<C-o><CR>',                   'Switch to last buffer<CR>' }, --<plug>bufftabs,
    ['<leader>r'] = { ':luafile $MYVIMRC<CR>',        'Reload VIMRC' },
    ['<leader> '] = { ':HopChar2<CR>',                'HOP 2Char' },
    ['<leader>e'] = { ':Fern . -reveal=%<CR>',        'File Browser' },
    ['<leader>p'] = { 'viwP<CR>',                     'Paste over word' },
    ['<leader>1'] = { '=echo ""<CR>',             'Buffer' },

The problematic entry seems to be: ['<leader><'] = { ':Telescope buffers<CR>', 'Switch Buffer' }, When I remove it the which-key works ok. The < character seems to be breaking wk, when I use different character then it works ok again ... or am I doing something wrong?

JoseConseco commented 3 years ago

Ok - my bad - escaping < with <lt> fixed the issue