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How to add a gallery to a group #680

Open GilesGibson opened 8 years ago

GilesGibson commented 8 years ago

I have been going round in circles a bit. A user has created an album, to do with saving the Half Moon Pub -

There has been a new group created - save the half moon pub -

I am trying to add that album to a newly created gallery called - Half Moon Pub and then to appear in the group Half Moon Pub.

I have added myself to the group "half moon pub" and then tried to edit the gallery to be part of the group. I tried to add the album to the group as well. No idea what the correct process is but at the moment the images are all there but I cannot figure out the process to add it in simply to the group so that others can create their own albums and add them to the gallery for the group.

Any help appreciated @pmackay

pmackay commented 8 years ago

Galleries clearly needs more attention.

I've edited and selected the group in the Groups section, so now you can see it in the Updates column of (and also under the Galleries tab).

The link at the bottom of the album back to the gallery is a bit broken so a fix is needed there.

Would be interested to know if you think the Gallery and Album structure is worth it (in terms of control) or too complex.

GilesGibson commented 8 years ago

Thanks for this. I think we need a bit of a rethink about images. Traders have been adding some that just get added to the public gallery of Herne Hill projects, not good. I am not quite sure how the current system works and by user feedback, nor do they.

So, key things that I think should happen (crude user stories).

A group manager(s) can create a gallery. Into the gallery they can add albums according to subjects. Any member of the group can create an album or add to an existing album in that group.

If the group owner wishes, they can make their album visible in the main area as well.

The site managers can create new galleries in the main area and add albums. Users can add albums to the main gallery as well - could these be moderated?

By group I also mean a trader within services as these will be merged at some stage.

How far away from the current design is this? Does it make it easier or harder?

pmackay commented 8 years ago

In that case I wonder if Albums could be associated together with just a taxonomy, which could replace a Gallery. Or as you say, make it so Albums can be added directly, which kind of removes the need for a Gallery. For the Save the Half Moon, how likely is it you would have multiple galleries? Surely better just to have a collection of Albums? 

GilesGibson commented 8 years ago

Not quite sure what the implications of the taxonomy issue is. Need a translation there.

For a group, there may well be multiple galleries if they for instance have an event, individuals may add an album of their pictures, another person adds theirs. All combined under one gallery. The next event would have a new gallery etc. Whilst I am also keen on keeping it simple I am worried that if we don't have a store for albums I can see the numbers spiralling up and the layout just getting confusing.

Are you suggesting that a group only has one gallery (unlimited albums) but the main area on the site can have multiple galleries?

pmackay commented 8 years ago

What about if there people can add Albums direct to groups, and they are shown in updates, but they can also be added to Galleries for grouping?

GilesGibson commented 8 years ago

I think that what was what I thought I suggested but maybe I am missing a context or two. So, in my befuddled brain:

A user is a member of a group. They can upload an album to that group, it appears in updates.

That user, who uploaded an album could also have their album appear in a gallery in the main area.

The group administrator(s) can add the album to a gallery that is part of that group. Only group admin people can create a gallery for that group.

General area: site admin people can create a gallery that is visible under "galleries" tab. Any logged in user can add an album to that gallery.

pmackay commented 8 years ago

I think that all sounds fine. The only thing that isn't there currently is that an Album is shown in the group updates when created.

Does that seem right?

GilesGibson commented 8 years ago

As a principle, it would be good that any major addition to a group, or news etc shows up in the updates. It triggers interest.

pmackay commented 8 years ago

Sure, but before when we discussed this, you didnt want any albums just appearing in groups, in case of spam. If you're happy to change that policy, we can look at changing the behaviour.

GilesGibson commented 8 years ago

Ah, didn't want spam. Are we likely to get spam if you have to be a member of a group before you can add an album?

pmackay commented 8 years ago

No its not likely for groups I guess. That is perhaps different to sitewide visibility.

GilesGibson commented 8 years ago

Given that once they have created a login they can spam the forum until we pick it up I suppose images are just another form of spam content, should they decide to do it that way. At the moment the main source of spam is via the contact form, issue creation. We get about one a week at the moment.