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Harmony Forum improvements #4

Open pmackay opened 9 years ago

pmackay commented 9 years ago

From @GilesGibson:

  1. Avatar of whoever wrote the post - positioned on the left next to the comment.

Should be there, just need to add photos to profiles.

  1. Need to be able to tweet an entry/comment.

Will aim for it.

  1. Need to be able to see the post you are commenting on

Surely its just above?

  1. Be good if the reply to post/create new thread did just that, create a reply to a post half way down the thread, forking the thread.

It does fork the thread but it seems entirely logical that that thread would start on a new page.

  1. need to be able to flag abuse.

This should be available, will investigate.

  1. Breadcrumb to work.

Panopoly thing, not related to forums directly.

  1. ideally @ feature to give a dropdown of possible users.

Not turned on yet.

  1. Need the "quote post"option where it takes the previous post and inserts it into your post so you can edit and comment on each bit.

Think can be done.

  1. Be good to have more stats about users - number of posts, last on-line, member for X months.

Is being developed by Harmony developer.

  1. Nice to have the "currently on-line" names at the bottom of the page, existing one does that.

Will ask. Why though?

  1. If the comment goes on for a while then only display the first X lines and have "more" at the bottom to show the rest of the post. This allows more posts to be shown on a page, each one occupying the same space initially until "more" is selected, then the display expands to show that post in full, the rest still their abbreviated size.

Dont think this is such a good idea. Just more clicks.

  1. Be nice to be able to add pictures, in fact essential. No use telling people about your sofa that is being given away, need a picture of it.

Needs better text editor. TBD.

  1. Needs to scramble email addresses to protect from spammers.

See above.

  1. Could users embed video in a post?

See above.

  1. Could the main topic also have tags, created by the originator of the post? Could they then be used for search?

Maybe but lets get core working first?

  1. Need search for forum only as well as search for site in general.

Add to wishlist please.

  1. Could a post be facebooked directly?

What does this mean?

  1. The Like/unlike is useful. However, when you click on like the display then changes to (1) unlike. makes it look like there was 1 unlike. rather than 1 like.


  1. Needs a big makeover for visuals, Chris needs to be let loose with it.

Blends in perfectly already IMHO....

GilesGibson commented 9 years ago

Unable to see post:

If you click on reply, this is what you get to see:


Need to be able to see the thread, to cut and paste from previous comments etc.

GilesGibson commented 9 years ago

Re: view of those currently on-line.

This may trigger quick DM to each other, engages with others. Works for facebook.

GilesGibson commented 9 years ago

Re: slimmer initial view of longer posts.

The reason why this may help is that if there is one long post the initial display shows only the first 6 lines or so, a snapshot, and also then the resulting posts. If the user wants they can click and expand the post to show it in its entirety. Urban 75 use this approach and I think it works reasonably well. Open to other views here.

GilesGibson commented 9 years ago

Re: facebook a post.

I suppose that if you like a comment that you would want it on your facebook account - it does a direct post to your facebook, same as Tweet it but facebook it.

pmackay commented 9 years ago

You might want to list what you consider absolutely essential with all this - would help prioritize...

GilesGibson commented 9 years ago

Re: UI.

I think it is still a bit big and chunky. Duplo brick size rather than Lego brick size. Be interesting to see hat it looks like on mobile.Ah, just tried looking at it on mobile - Forum menu not available, strange.

pmackay commented 9 years ago

Why is it big and clunky?

Forum menu only visible if logged in - is just prototype...

GilesGibson commented 9 years ago

Essential items:

  1. Avatar of whoever wrote the post - positioned on the left next to the comment. DONE
  2. Need to be able to see the post you are commenting on
  3. need to be able to flag abuse.

This should be available, will investigate.

  1. Breadcrumb to work.

Panopoly thing, not related to forums directly.

  1. ideally @ feature to give a dropdown of possible users.

Not turned on yet.

  1. Need the "quote post"option where it takes the previous post and inserts it into your post so you can edit and comment on each bit.

Think can be done.

  1. Be nice to be able to add pictures, in fact essential. No use telling people about your sofa that is being given away, need a picture of it.

Needs better text editor. TBD.

  1. Could users embed video in a post?

See above.

  1. The Like/unlike is useful. However, when you click on like the display then changes to (1) unlike. makes it look like there was 1 unlike. rather than 1 like.


  1. Needs a big makeover for visuals, Chris needs to be let loose with it.

Blends in perfectly already IMHO....

Nice to have:

  1. Need to be able to tweet an entry/comment.
  2. Be good to have more stats about users - number of posts, last on-line, member for X months.

Is being developed by Harmony developer.

  1. Nice to have the "currently on-line" names at the bottom of the page, existing one does that.

Will ask. Why though?

  1. If the comment goes on for a while then only display the first X lines and have "more" at the bottom to show the rest of the post. This allows more posts to be shown on a page, each one occupying the same space initially until "more" is selected, then the display expands to show that post in full, the rest still their abbreviated size.

Dont think this is such a good idea. Just more clicks.

  1. Needs to scramble email addresses to protect from spammers.

See above.

  1. Could the main topic also have tags, created by the originator of the post? Could they then be used for search?

Maybe but lets get core working first?

  1. Need search for forum only as well as search for site in general.
  2. Could a post be facebooked directly?

What does this mean?

GilesGibson commented 9 years ago

Re: UX. I just feel that maybe things are very spread out, some of the buttons are very large and whilst I am a supporter of large text that is important I feel that maybe the sizes have got too big. However, need to avoid being unable to read it easily if over 30 with eyesight that is starting to go. is there an accessibility option that can flip into "large" mode or "compact mode", but like Google offers for gmail?

pmackay commented 9 years ago

Can you screenshot the buttons you're referring to in the Forum?

GilesGibson commented 9 years ago

I am not an expert on viosualising things. I leave it in general to those that have a more skilful eye. My impressions are that it comes across as a bit chunky. However, to others it may appear as clean and open. All very subjective.


My thoughts here are that there are a selection of fonts and greatly varying heights. Some text in bold with white background, some sans serif, others serif font. "Create Post" huge text, "text*" above text box very small, in comparison.

Box round "reply" is large and yet "cancel" is just text. That may be the style, just not sure.

Please don't go on my feedback, this is too important to waste on me, needs more feedback from others, I am but one of those.

pmackay commented 9 years ago

OK all good points but as mentioned, the theme is work in progress, so most of this will be addressed.

djwesto commented 9 years ago

All of the theming issues you're raising will be fixed – this is just a placeholder theme and a work in progress that I haven't even touched yet.

@pmackay and I will work through all these issues making the theme look really slick and a lot better than what you currently have on HH.

djwesto commented 9 years ago

All of the theming issues you're raising will be fixed – this is just a placeholder theme and a work in progress that I haven't even touched yet.

@pmackay and I will work through all these issues making the theme look really slick and a lot better than what you currently have on HH.

GilesGibson commented 9 years ago

I knew that if I left it to the experts that miracles would happen.
