folletto / Blipshot

Google Chrome Extension to make screenshots
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Bug: fixed elements repeat multiple times in screenshots (JS) #14

Open mshaked1 opened 7 years ago

mshaked1 commented 7 years ago

This is a great extension and I love that you've made the implementation so reusable and easy to follow! I did notice that some fixed elements such as side ads, video ads and footers tend to reappear in multiple stitched sections. Something with the BlanketStyleSet library?

folletto commented 7 years ago

Thank you! :)

Unfortunately BlanketStyleSet is a workaround I built, but it's limited to CSS styles. Often sites use JavaScript and they move the element on every scroll. I haven't found a way to work around that yet.

I tried a fix a few times (the previous attempt was in cfe40295b5e92fba75886e7f14f3135e44aa0eca), but unfortunately it's a library available only in DevTools. Nothing worked so far.

Still looking for a solution.

Note also that all of this would be FAR faster and wouldn't encouter these issues if Chrome/Chromium would build a long standing feature request tho, this one (45209). Unfortunately it's open since 2010, and nobody seems be working on it yet.