fomantic / Fomantic-UI-SASS

Fomantic UI, converted to SASS and ready to drop into Rails & Compass.
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Checkbox unresponsive after errors #7

Open cimm opened 4 years ago

cimm commented 4 years ago

Rails adds a field_with_errors wrapper element around the invalid form element after submitting the form. This is used to style the form element with CSS (red border around an input field with invalid data for example).

The custom Fomantic UI checkbox (the iOS like toggle element) does not correctly handle this extra wrapper element making the field unresponsive: you can no longer check or uncheck the custom Fomantic UI checkbox.

As a workaround we can tell Rails not to add the wrapper element by adding config.action_view.field_error_proc = { |html_tag, instance| html_tag.html_safe } to the config/application.rb file but this means we can no longer style form fields with errors.

Tested with fomantic-ui-sass 2.8.3 in a Rails 6.0.2 application.

cimm commented 4 years ago

I also reported this upstream:

shanecav84 commented 3 years ago

I've used this which is janky but might work for you:

ActionView::Base.field_error_proc = do |html_tag, instance|
  html = nil
  if html_tag.match?(/checkbox|label/)
    html = html_tag
    html = <<~HTML
      <div class='field error'>