fommil / netlib-java

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Add FITPACK to netlib-java #102

Open randallwhitman opened 8 years ago

randallwhitman commented 8 years ago

Is there interest in adding FITPACK to netlib-java, as in SciPy?

fommil commented 8 years ago

depends on #76 and possibly significant extra work if the APU uses callbacks.

randallwhitman commented 8 years ago

Is the dependency on #76 the reason I get near-empty F2jFITPACK.{java,class} when I made a brief attempt at it - as opposed to missing something other than core/pom.xml that would need to be changed?

$ ls netlib/FITPACK/
bispeu.f  curfit.f  fpbacp.f   fpcoco.f  fpdeno.f  fpinst.f  fpperi.f  fprppo.f  fptrnp.f  percur.f  sphere.f
bispev.f  dblint.f  fpbfout.f  fpcons.f  fpdisc.f  fpintb.f  fppocu.f  fprpsp.f  fptrpe.f  pogrid.f  splder.f
clocur.f  evapol.f  fpbisp.f   fpcosp.f  fpfrno.f  fpknot.f  fppogr.f  fpseno.f  insert.f  polar.f   splev.f
cocosp.f  fourco.f  fpbspl.f   fpcsin.f  fpgivs.f  fpopdi.f  fppola.f  fpspgr.f  Makefile  profil.f  splint.f
concon.f  fpader.f  fpchec.f   fpcurf.f  fpgrdi.f  fpopsp.f  fprank.f  fpsphe.f  parcur.f  README    sproot.f
concur.f  fpadno.f  fpched.f   fpcuro.f  fpgrpa.f  fporde.f  fprati.f  fpsuev.f  parder.f  regrid.f  surev.f
cualde.f  fpadpo.f  fpchep.f   fpcyt1.f  fpgrre.f  fppara.f  fpregr.f  fpsurf.f  pardeu.f  spalde.f  surfit.f
curev.f   fpback.f  fpclos.f   fpcyt2.f  fpgrsp.f  fppasu.f  fprota.f  fpsysy.f  parsur.f  spgrid.f

mvn package

$ ls -sh ./core/target/classes/com/github/fommil/netlib/
 12K ARPACK.class   36K F2jARPACK.class  4.0K F2jFITPACK.class  4.0K FITPACK.class
 12K BLAS.class     32K F2jBLAS.class    444K F2jLAPACK.class   112K LAPACK.class

$ wc -l core/target/generated-sources/netlib-java/com/github/fommil/netlib/*a 
  13534 core/target/generated-sources/netlib-java/com/github/fommil/netlib/
  12606 core/target/generated-sources/netlib-java/com/github/fommil/netlib/
    592 core/target/generated-sources/netlib-java/com/github/fommil/netlib/
    722 core/target/generated-sources/netlib-java/com/github/fommil/netlib/
     38 core/target/generated-sources/netlib-java/com/github/fommil/netlib/
   7037 core/target/generated-sources/netlib-java/com/github/fommil/netlib/
     86 core/target/generated-sources/netlib-java/com/github/fommil/netlib/
 158016 core/target/generated-sources/netlib-java/com/github/fommil/netlib/
fommil commented 8 years ago

if by "near empty" you mean "completely empty". We need to compile the fortran code for the JVM before we can even think about adding it to netlib-java.

randallwhitman commented 8 years ago

For my purposes I got interpolation matching SciPy output, by adapting FITPACK code translated by f2j. Up to you whether to keep this issue open for more general interest in FITPACK.