fonic / wcdatool

Watcom Disassembly Tool (wcdatool) - Tool to aid disassembling DOS applications created with the Watcom toolchain
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Freezes when disassembling MKTRIL.exe? #13

Closed abdulahmad closed 10 months ago

abdulahmad commented 10 months ago

Piqued my interest when I saw in your readme that this could disassemble MK Trilogy for DOS in a readable format. When I try to run it on MKTRIL.EXE, it goes for about a minute or two an then gets stuck at "Generating plain disassembly for object 1...". I can see in task manager nothing is going on because the CPU usage for python goes from 30% to 0%. Is the current version of this not able to disassemble MK Trilogy? Is it something you can fix?

edit: note that I'm using the original EXE that comes on the MK Trilogy CD, not the modified community patch or gog versions.

edit2: I do see objdump.exe tasks stopping and starting. I also see Windows Defender anti virus running at 25-30% CPU. Wondering if it's completely grinding Python to a halt for some reason.

fonic commented 10 months ago

If you see objdump processes come and go, it's doing what it's supposed to.

Windows is probably not the ideal platform for wcdatool, total runtime for MKTRIL.EXE on Linux is around 2 min for me.

Either let it run until it finishes or retry with Windows Defender being disabled temporarily.

abdulahmad commented 10 months ago

OK it finished. Yes, it seems like it just takes longer on Windows-- maybe update the Readme to note that it will take 30 min-1 hr on Windows?

fonic commented 10 months ago

Windows itself is not recommended by the README anyway (WSL on Windows is), so that's fine.

By the way, I just noticed that there is a regression regarding splitting the formatted disassembly into reconstructed source files.

To quick-fix it, exchange these two lines (i.e. disable deduplication):