fonske / clack-reader-v3

Esphome component for Clack WS1 softener with TOF sensor saltlevel detection
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ESPHOME update error #5

Closed william-sy closed 6 months ago

william-sy commented 8 months ago

Not a issue, but a helping hand:

If you get the error trying to update the clack reader on the latest ESPHOME version this already has been resolved! see this commit:

If you still have errors about this you will need to do the following:

# Grep this in your ESPHOME directory: 
sudo grep -re lolin_s3 /esphome/config/.esphome/packages/
# You will find something like this:
/esphome/config/.esphome/packages/e29c5466/esphome/board-esp32-wemos-s3.yaml:  board: lolin_s3
/esphome/config/.esphome/packages/bc7d8f18/esphome/board-esp32-wemos-s3.yaml:  board: lolin_s3

# Remove all the directories that match:
sudo rm -rf /esphome/config/.esphome/packages/bc7d8f18
sudo rm -rf /esphome/config/.esphome/packages/e29c5466

ESPHOME will now update your clack reader :)

kalpik commented 8 months ago

An easier way is to do a "Clean build files" from the three dots menu on the esphome dashboard, and then try another install.

kalpik commented 8 months ago

Also, the full PR for this is here:

william-sy commented 8 months ago

An easier way is to do a "Clean build files" from the three dots menu on the esphome dashboard, and then try another install.

Yes, but this would complain then about the same error so you need to do this before you upgrade esphome else its too late. (at my side of things anyway)

kalpik commented 8 months ago

An easier way is to do a "Clean build files" from the three dots menu on the esphome dashboard, and then try another install.

Yes, but this would complain then about the same error so you need to do this before you upgrade esphome else its too late. (at my side of things anyway)

Just checking. Do you have this in your clack.yaml file? This ensures the correct file is pulled in every time, and then you won't get such errors in the first place. I also discovered it while doing some testing myself. Had created the PR for this here:

william-sy commented 8 months ago

Ahh, no I do not! But now I will thank you very much!

The clack.yaml file is not something you update everyday unless there is a huge change / error.

But this is a good addition to this error/thread indeed that will save some errors!

william-sy commented 8 months ago

@fonske Let's close this issue next week or so. Hopefully that will give people some time to find it, while they try to update to the latest version of esphome

kalpik commented 8 months ago

Ahh, no I do not! But now I will thank you very much!

The clack.yaml file is not something you update everyday unless there is a huge change / error.

But this is a good addition to this error/thread indeed that will save some errors!

What I do is maintain a "custom" branch in my fork, and in that, I point the clack.yaml to my fork, and the custom branch. That way, it's easy to keep some customizations in your clack.yaml to yourself, while still pulling in all the latest changes from upstream :)

You can see it here:

william-sy commented 8 months ago

That is neat! will have a look at doing the same :)