fonsleenaars / tqdb

Python parser for the Titan Quest Anniversary Edition, Ragnarok, Atlantis, Eternal Ember DLC database.
MIT License
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Adding info / flag on what items players found #107

Open Haken00 opened 2 years ago

Haken00 commented 2 years ago

Hi, first of all - massive thanks for your work on the TQDB project, it's an amazing and super helpful website.

I have a suggestion / request if I may - would it be possible to implement functionality allowing players to flag items they found in game (just a simple flag would do - found / not found) - I'm assuming that would require players to be able to create accounts and log into the site which might be way too much extra effort with account control, security etc.

Alternatively perhaps a functionality to export the DB data - item names, types, screenshots into an excel table or similar so that players could keep track of the items they found?

To explain - I recently started playing TQ again on my phone which it makes it a bit more difficult to use 3rd party tools to export / import items. It is possible but much more difficult / time consuming compared to playing PC version (stash items not available, data transfer between phone and PC etc.). I am considering downloading TQ Vault files various players uploaded online but don't want to ruin my game so only want to use items I found myself - and in order to keep track of them, it would be great if there was a convenient way to keep track of them.

Thanks for considering


fonsleenaars commented 2 years ago

Hm, that's an interesting idea, it could be a little bit more lightweight and just store things locally for each user in a cookie/local storage token.

That means on the same device, if you don't clear your data, it will be available.

I could allow that as an easy export/import and eventually connect it to some sort of session or persistence solution.

Thanks for the suggestion! Don't have a ton of time nowadays, but I'll try to be a bit more consistent in updates to TQDB 🙂

Haken00 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the response. Any solution will do really, though cookies I'd prefer to avoid as they get lost when using different devices, browser, delete cookies / history - which many users including myself do regularly. If there was a way to use a local file that can be easily found / backed up / transferred to another device, that would be a better solution for me (though I admit I'm not a web developer so maybe it's not a good idea)

Any solution you think of would be great though, cookies or not - thank you.

Haken00 commented 2 years ago

@fonsleenaars Hi - just to follow up on this, did you get a chance to think about how it could be implemented or even consider if it's something worth doing? Don't want to chase, just wanted to see what your thoughts are - would be great feature for me and hopefully others and would love to pick up TQ again - but my inventory is full and it's difficult to keep track of all the items I have (yes I'm a hoarder:)

fonsleenaars commented 2 years ago

@Haken00 Haven't thought too much more about implementation but I plan to look into this and a few other larger features after June. Currently working on getting bugfixes, some filters, and some loot tables fixed. Will add this to a milestone when those things are done and update this ticket 😄

Haken00 commented 2 years ago

That is great. Thank you for quick response and thank you for maintaining the tool - it's been invaluable in my TQ experience :)

Haken00 commented 1 year ago

Hi. Can I ask if this got implemented? No rush at all - just checking, would help me a lot. Am big hoarder in these kinds of games :)

fonsleenaars commented 1 year ago

Hi. Can I ask if this got implemented? No rush at all - just checking, would help me a lot. Am big hoarder in these kinds of games :)

Not yet I'm afraid, I had a few weeks in May & June where work wasn't as busy but haven't been able to put any time into the project since then. Will let you know once it is 😄

Haken00 commented 1 year ago

Hi, just wanted to check if you had a chance to spend some time on this project / my idea? Been wanting to pick the game up again but inventory management is a bit of a nightmare :)

Wanted to put something together in excel for myself in the meantime - but it's next to impossible with so many items so quickly threw away that idea :)
