Open Ctrl-Alt-Suppr opened 6 years ago
No problem, Google Translate works wonders!
I like that idea. I think this will be a follow up to #6 - once that's indexed, the reverse index can appear on all Monster Infrequents like you described.
Voili voilou. I tried to split my requests into several " ISSUES". I hope to be understandable. Thank you for your dedication, a lot of courage to you! And thank you especially for this answer concerning M.Inf. is an important subject for me
(same as Steam forum suggestion) Is it possible to add Affixes Loot Tables ? For exemple with a 3st tab : PROPERTIES | LOOT TABLE | AFFIXES (loot table) or best = PROPERTIES | LOOT TABLE | PREFIXES | SUFFIXES
An exemple about "Armor" Sorry, it's in French and since april 2007, images disappeared ... but