fonsleenaars / tqdb

Python parser for the Titan Quest Anniversary Edition, Ragnarok, Atlantis, Eternal Ember DLC database.
MIT License
50 stars 15 forks source link

Editor name #90

Closed lfdmotta closed 2 years ago

lfdmotta commented 4 years ago


Is there currently a way to find the name of the item in the TQ Editor? For the DLCs items, they all have editor names like u_e_set01 so one cannot find the item by the name as it appears in

fonsleenaars commented 2 years ago

No idea if this is still useful for you, but those u_e_set01 correspond to names through the Resources. The .arc files in the TQ installed directory have a bunch of .txt files that have the corresponding names for all those tags.

This parser has some utility in to extract those .arc files through the ArchiveTool that's included in Titan Quest, and then finds those tags and gets the real name for them.

Hope that helps (2 years late 😅 )