fonsp / Pluto.jl

🎈 Simple reactive notebooks for Julia
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Converting .jl to Pluto notebook #132

Open dpsanders opened 4 years ago

dpsanders commented 4 years ago

I tried to open a standard .jl file in Pluto (from the Pluto startup page) and got

Failed to load notebook:

MethodError(union, (), 0x0000000000006c87)

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It would be great to be able to import a normal .jl and have it Plutified. This should e.g. take blocks of code and make them a single cell.

fonsp commented 4 years ago

I like your optimism in using the Open button and seeing what happens!

I guess that this is easy to add in, but hard to do right. With that I mean that there is lots of new UI needed to explain to the user: what they are doing, what the result will be (no two-way conversion), what went wrong (if the import fails) and where they want to save the notebook after importing (overwrite?).

Still, this might be worthwhile to add in, since it makes it easier to get started with Pluto.

dpsanders commented 4 years ago

I like your optimism in using the Open button and seeing what happens!

Ha. Yes it does seem like a good way to get started with Pluto, but I agree that it seems non-trivial to do correctly.

You could add _pluto to the filename for example, e.g. hello.jl -> hello_pluto.jl, since it's easy enough for the user to change. You don't want to just overwrite their file I guess.

fonsp commented 4 years ago

To anyone taking this on: see also #14, maybe this can be combined with Weave.jl and pandoc and Literate.jl and friends

j-fu commented 4 years ago

I think a possible way would be through Literate.jl, which has an option to output to Juypter, that means there is already a way to define markdown and Julia cells. By no means I think that a workflow .jl -> pluto should pass through .ipynb, though.

But may be it is even simpler: IMHO it would be sufficient to have syntax to mark cell boundaries, e.g. by # === which is recognized by Pluto on the first load and converted into the hash voodoo separators. Then we would have the notion of an "empty", "untouched" "proto-" notebook or however we call it and a notebook with recognized cells and manifest cell order. This could even go into a Pluto.plutoify() method outside of the browser which takes in a proto notebook and spits out a real one (and complains about errors/ambiguities), very much like Literate itself works. This then could even be used for having a cli tool for this purpose.

fonsp commented 4 years ago

Support for writing notebook files by hand is not of this project, and making conversion part of Pluto is requires some carefully designed UI ( But just like Jupyter conversion ( and, this can be an external tool, which is very simple to write! Maybe someone could try making it themselves?

If you run Meta.parse(code_string, 1), then it parses as much as it can into a single expression, and it returns the index of the next expression:

julia> code="s = 1\nr=2"
"s = 1\nr=2"

julia> Meta.parse(code, 1)
(:(s = 1), 7)

You can repeat this until you have found the start indices of every expression, and you then turn those into Pluto cells.

j-fu commented 4 years ago

Hi is there an API to turn something into a pluto cell (md or code) and to write a bunch of cells to a file? I think this is almost all I need...

fonsp commented 4 years ago


julia> import Pluto

julia> code = ["hello", "world()"];

julia> n = Pluto.Notebook(Pluto.Cell.(code));

julia> path = "hello.jl";

julia> Pluto.save_notebook(n, path);

This gives:

julia> read(path, String) |> Text
### A Pluto.jl notebook ###
# v0.11.4

using Markdown
using InteractiveUtils

# ╔═╡ 844da824-dcb6-11ea-1b3d-95c52106a0d2

# ╔═╡ 844da856-dcb6-11ea-2061-a59a23dd029f

# ╔═╡ Cell order:
# ╠═844da824-dcb6-11ea-1b3d-95c52106a0d2
# ╠═844da856-dcb6-11ea-2061-a59a23dd029f
j-fu commented 4 years ago

Ok, this makes it easy to tweak Literate.script(), see my first attempt below. I am not sure if @fredrikekre wants to have a Pluto dependency in Literate.jl. It could also go into Pluto it a Literate dependency is ok, or else into a separate package. To put this into a separate package or into pluto creates some dependencies on internals of Literate, but perhaps this is the best bet.

function pluto(inputfile, outputdir=pwd(); config::Dict=Dict(), kwargs...)
    # Create configuration by merging default and userdefined
    config = Literate.create_configuration(inputfile; user_config=config, user_kwargs=kwargs)

    # normalize paths
    inputfile = normpath(inputfile)
    isfile(inputfile) || throw(ArgumentError("cannot find inputfile `$(inputfile)`"))
    inputfile = realpath(abspath(inputfile))
    outputdir = realpath(abspath(outputdir))

    @info "generating plain script file from `$(Base.contractuser(inputfile))`"
    # read content
    content = read(inputfile, String)

    # run custom pre-processing from user
    content = config["preprocess"](content)

    # default replacements
    content = Literate.replace_default(content, :jl; config=config)

    # create the script file
    chunks = Literate.parse(content)
    for chunk in chunks
        cell = IOBuffer()
        if isa(chunk, Literate.CodeChunk)
            for line in chunk.lines
                write(cell, line, '\n')
            write(cell, '\n') # add a newline between each chunk
        elseif isa(chunk, Literate.MDChunk)
            for line in chunk.lines
                write(cell, rstrip(line.first * line.second * '\n'))
            write(cell, "\"\n") # add a newline between each chunk

    # custom post-processing from user
    # content = config["postprocess"](String(take!(ioscript)))

    # write to file
    isdir(outputdir) || error("not a directory: $(outputdir)")
    outputfile = joinpath(outputdir, config["name"]::String * ".jl")

    if inputfile == outputfile
        throw(ArgumentError("outputfile (`$outputfile`) is identical to inputfile (`$inputfile`)"))

    @info "writing result to `$(Base.contractuser(outputfile))`"
    nb = Pluto.Notebook(Pluto.Cell.(code));
    Pluto.save_notebook(nb, outputfile);

    return outputfile
fonsp commented 4 years ago

Great! I will try it out soon!

About the dependencies problem - I made PlutoUtils.jl for scripts like these, having the Literate.jl dependency is fine there. Can you write a PR?

j-fu commented 4 years ago

Great! I will try it out soon!

About the dependencies problem - I made PlutoUtils.jl for scripts like these, having the Literate.jl dependency is fine there. Can you write a PR?

Yeah I will do this within a day or two...

fredrikekre commented 4 years ago

It should be pretty trivilal to support something like

Literate.notebook(...; flavor = :pluto)

to Literate without having Pluto as a dependency.

j-fu commented 4 years ago

For writing a Pluto notebook to disk there is a Pluto API call While it seems to be not too hard to re-create this in Literate.jl without a Pluto dependency, IMHO his would be hard to maintain during the evolution of Pluto. So I think it is better to follow Fons' suggestion to put this into PlutoUtils.

fonsp commented 4 years ago

We talked about it here: - the file format will always be backwards compatible, or conversion code is included in Pluto

fredrikekre commented 4 years ago

WIP support for using Literate.jl to create Pluto notebooks from .jl files: Please try it out!

j-fu commented 4 years ago

... so you have been faster than my PR to PlutoUtils using the Pluto.Notebook constructor... Have no time for testing this immediately. What I would like to see added are some options like fold_markdown_cells and fold_code_cells (which I however could add in a later PR). But see also my 2ct in #311 ...

a9lara commented 3 years ago

I tried to open a standard .jl file in Pluto (from the Pluto startup page) and got

Failed to load notebook:

MethodError(union, (), 0x0000000000006c87)

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It would be great to be able to import a normal .jl and have it Plutified. This should e.g. take blocks of code and make them a single cell.

Or perhaps just add a "begin" and "end", then run it on Pluto, and once it is opened in Pluto, delete begin and end and ask Pluto to divide the code into cells.

fonsp commented 3 years ago

This won't work, but you can paste the contents into a cell

jdadavid commented 3 years ago

For the record, I wrote a simple utility for converting plain j.l file to notebook, available at

jdadavid commented 3 years ago

See discussion at