fonsp / Pluto.jl

🎈 Simple reactive notebooks for Julia
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Allow to provide environment at notebook start #1788

Open j-fu opened 2 years ago

j-fu commented 2 years ago

I think about something like, project=... ) . This would start the notebook with the environment provided under project instead of the notebook environment. A similar option to and corresponding methods of PlutoSliderServer.jl would be nice.

The main use case is the use of Pluto notebooks as package tutorials which at once are used in the documentation and in CI.

Outside of these contexts, and without providing an environment, the notebook should run in "reproducible mode" using PlutoPkg with a fixed version of the package.
I find it important that switching between these two modes is possible without changes in the notebook (like e.g. "markdowning" a cell with Pkg.activate.

In the moment I achieve this behavior in a quite hackish way. The the initial proposal in #1281 seems to have a similar effect.

A slightly related discussion is found here. EDIT: May be @kellertuer is interested in this as well.

j-fu commented 1 year ago


ederag commented 11 months ago

I often have one server opened with notebooks belonging to different projects, so our use cases are probably different, but here is a possible workflow:

Since PR, it is possible to "Disable in file" a particular cell (make it "skip_as_script"). Screenshot_20230724_164354 [note: in the screenshot the current state is disabled, as desired; the menu says what will happen if it were clicked ("Enable in file")]

That comments out the cell code in the file, so this activate is ignored by julia when the file is included or for tests, but the markup tells Pluto that it should use it (and thus activate) when opened as a notebook.

j-fu commented 11 months ago

Yes, this works well when the notebook is part of some project.

My case is a bit different. I figured out that the situation intended with #2614 can be emulated in the following way:

    import Pkg as _Pkg
    haskey(ENV,"PLUTO_PROJECT") && _Pkg.activate(ENV["PLUTO_PROJECT"])
    using LinearAlgebra
    using Plots
    etc etc ...

If I give the environment variable PLUTO_PROJECT, it activates that project and ignores what is in the notebook project+manifest. Ignoring is important - in particular they are not removed.

I the variable is not given, we have just a normal notebook. In this configuration it also can run under CI as a file (for this purpose, instead of includeing I read in the notebook and put a module wrapper around it).

My feeling is however that this behaviour is not guaranteed as a documented feature of Pluto.jl. Nevertheless I will use it for the time being.

j-fu commented 7 months ago

Maybe it is just sufficient to have a switch which disables PlutoPkg and runs the notebook in the environment of the caller.