fonsp / Pluto.jl

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Dataloder constructor is passed in the wrong order when called from within the flux.Data. #2035

Open deahhh opened 2 years ago

deahhh commented 2 years ago

env (EDIT from fons, this is not the env, see the notebook file below):

(@v1.6) pkg> status
      Status `~/.julia/environments/v1.6/Project.toml`
  [fbb218c0] BSON v0.3.5
  [052768ef] CUDA v3.8.3
  [587475ba] Flux v0.12.9
  [41a02a25] Folds v0.2.7
  [7073ff75] IJulia v1.23.2
  [c3e4b0f8] Pluto v0.18.1


using Flux, Unicode,BSON,Folds,CUDA
data_valid = [("hello", "world"), ("yes", "I'm")]
    struct SentVct <: AbstractArray{Int, 1}
        data::Array{Tuple{String, String}}
        sublen ::UInt64
    Base.getindex(d::SentVct, i::Int) = rand(d.sublen)
    Base.getindex(d::SentVct, ii::Vector{Int}) = begin
        reduce(hcat, [getindex(d, i) for i in ii])
    Base.firstindex(d::SentVct) = 1
    Base.lastindex(d::SentVct) = length(
    Base.size(d::SentVct) = d.sublen, length(
    Base.eltype(d::SentVct) = Vector{Int64}
    Base.length(d::SentVct) = length(
    # # dl_valid = Flux.Data.DataLoader(SentVct(data_valid, 7))
    # # for d in dl_valid
    # #     @show typeof(d)
    # #     break
    # # end
    # for x in SentVct(data_valid, 7)
    #   @show x
    #   break
    # end
    Flux.Data.DataLoader(SentVct(data_valid, 7);)

error: """ MethodError: no method matching MLUtils.DataLoader(::Main.workspace#3.SentVct, ::Int64, ::UInt64, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Random._GLOBAL_RNG)

Closest candidates are:

MLUtils.DataLoader(::D, ::Int64, !Matched::Int64, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::R) where {D, R<:Random.AbstractRNG} at /home/dataeye/.julia/packages/MLUtils/60cvs/src/dataloader.jl:4

MLUtils.DataLoader(::Any; batchsize, shuffle, partial, rng) at /home/dataeye/.julia/packages/MLUtils/60cvs/src/dataloader.jl:75

var"#DataLoader#63"(::Int64, ::Bool, ::Bool, ::Random._GLOBAL_RNG, ::Type{MLUtils.DataLoader}, ::Main.workspace#3.SentVct)@dataloader.jl:82
top-level scope@[Local: 24](


This error disappeared out of Pluto.

fonsp commented 2 years ago

Can you share a notebook file?

deahhh commented 2 years ago

