fonsp / Pluto.jl

🎈 Simple reactive notebooks for Julia
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i've lost a lot of hours of work due to: "Failed to load notebook" #2794

Closed carrapaz closed 8 months ago

carrapaz commented 8 months ago

i had a big file that i was using to prepare my exam (albeith still in the early phase) it was more than 20hours worth of work and now i cannot find a way to open it. the entire computer crashed during a cell execution after i computed a parametric function and i had to manually turn it off. after turning it back on the file is unaccessible here is the error: image

File is not a Pluto.jl notebook. Stacktrace: [1] error(s::String) @ Base .\error.jl:35 [2] _notebook_metadata!(io::IO) @ Pluto C:\Users\carra.julia\packages\Pluto\h22mT\src\notebook\saving and loading.jl:166 [3] load_notebook_nobackup(io::IO, path::AbstractString) @ Pluto C:\Users\carra.julia\packages\Pluto\h22mT\src\notebook\saving and loading.jl:313 [4] #67 @ Pluto C:\Users\carra.julia\packages\Pluto\h22mT\src\notebook\saving and loading.jl:339 [inlined] [5] open(::Pluto.var"#67#68"{String}, ::String, ::Vararg{String}; kwargs::@Kwargs{}) @ Base .\io.jl:396 [6] open @ Base .\io.jl:393 [inlined] [7] load_notebook_nobackup(path::String) @ Pluto C:\Users\carra.julia\packages\Pluto\h22mT\src\notebook\saving and loading.jl:338 [8] load_notebook(path::String; disable_writing_notebook_files::Bool) @ Pluto C:\Users\carra.julia\packages\Pluto\h22mT\src\notebook\saving and loading.jl:357 [9] load_notebook @ Pluto C:\Users\carra.julia\packages\Pluto\h22mT\src\notebook\saving and loading.jl:347 [inlined] [10] open(session::Pluto.ServerSession, path::String; execution_allowed::Bool, run_async::Bool, compiler_options::Nothing, as_sample::Bool, risky_file_source::Nothing, clear_frontmatter::Bool, notebook_id::Base.UUID) @ Pluto.SessionActions C:\Users\carra.julia\packages\Pluto\h22mT\src\webserver\SessionActions.jl:68 [11] open @ C:\Users\carra.julia\packages\Pluto\h22mT\src\webserver\SessionActions.jl:44 [inlined] [12] (::Pluto.var"#try_launch_notebook_response#294"{Pluto.var"#try_launch_notebook_response#288#295"{Pluto.ServerSession}})(action::typeof(, path_or_url::String; as_redirect::Bool, title::String, advice::String, home_url::String, action_kwargs::@Kwargs{execution_allowed::Bool, as_sample::Bool, risky_file_source::Nothing}) @ Pluto C:\Users\carra.julia\packages\Pluto\h22mT\src\webserver\Router.jl:23 [13] (::Pluto.var"#serve_openfile#297"{Pluto.ServerSession})(request::HTTP.Messages.Request) @ Pluto C:\Users\carra.julia\packages\Pluto\h22mT\src\webserver\Router.jl:51 [14] (::HTTP.Handlers.Router{typeof(Pluto.default_404), typeof(HTTP.Handlers.default405), Nothing})(req::HTTP.Messages.Request) @ HTTP.Handlers C:\Users\carra.julia\packages\HTTP\bDoga\src\Handlers.jl:439 [15] (::Pluto.var"#281#283"{HTTP.Handlers.Router{typeof(Pluto.default_404), typeof(HTTP.Handlers.default405), Nothing}})(request::HTTP.Messages.Request) @ Pluto C:\Users\carra.julia\packages\Pluto\h22mT\src\webserver\Authentication.jl:101 [16] #278 @ C:\Users\carra.julia\packages\Pluto\h22mT\src\webserver\Authentication.jl:53 [inlined] [17] (::Pluto.var"#381#391"{Pluto.ServerSession, Pluto.var"#278#280"{Pluto.var"#281#283"{HTTP.Handlers.Router{typeof(Pluto.default_404), typeof(HTTP.Handlers.default405), Nothing}}, Pluto.ServerSession}})(http::HTTP.Streams.Stream{HTTP.Messages.Request, HTTP.Connections.Connection{Sockets.TCPSocket}}) @ Pluto C:\Users\carra.julia\packages\Pluto\h22mT\src\webserver\WebServer.jl:274 [18] #invokelatest#2 @ .\essentials.jl:887 [inlined] [19] invokelatest @ .\essentials.jl:884 [inlined] [20] handle_connection(f::Function, c::HTTP.Connections.Connection{Sockets.TCPSocket}, listener::HTTP.Servers.Listener{Nothing, Sockets.TCPServer}, readtimeout::Int64, access_log::Nothing) @ HTTP.Servers C:\Users\carra.julia\packages\HTTP\bDoga\src\Servers.jl:450 [21] (::HTTP.Servers.var"#16#17"{Pluto.var"#381#391"{Pluto.ServerSession, Pluto.var"#278#280"{Pluto.var"#281#283"{HTTP.Handlers.Router{typeof(Pluto.default_404), typeof(HTTP.Handlers.default405), Nothing}}, Pluto.ServerSession}}, HTTP.Servers.Listener{Nothing, Sockets.TCPServer}, Set{HTTP.Connections.Connection}, Int64, Nothing, Base.Semaphore, HTTP.Connections.Connection{Sockets.TCPSocket}})() @ HTTP.Servers `C:\Users\carra.julia\packages\HTTP\bDoga\src\Servers.jl:386

this is what i see if i open it with vsc...

image same things with the backups image

all the othe notebooks work

fonsp commented 8 months ago

I'm really sorry that this happened! I'm not sure how Pluto could generate a corrupt file, something really bad must have happened in the OS.

Can you send us the VoloDV.jl file? You might need to put it in a .zip to be able to attach it to this issue

carrapaz commented 8 months ago

sure here it is. corrupted one: thankfully I remebered I exported to a html to show a friend and i was able to recover some of it :D also main reason it took long was because it is my first time coding in pluto and julia for a project but now i'm getting faster. since you are here may I ask if it could be interesting (ofc after translating it in english) to gift this notebook once finished? i mean like the other examples and open sourcing it. i'm an aereospace engeneering student from Polimi in italy and this is my last exam atmospheric flight mechanics this is where i am at with the notebook: recovered one: maybe somebody else is interested in learning how airplanes fly :)

fonsp commented 8 months ago

Hey @carrapaz! Happy to hear that you were able to recover some of it! I looked at the corrupted file, but it is empty. If you open it (with read("VoloDV.jl")), you see that every byte is 0.

The notebook looks really cool!! We would be happy to feature it, feel free to make a Pull Request to to add it. Be sure to write a little introduction and maybe add a picture. Right now you go straight into the mathematics ("con r si indica il vettore posizione in..."), but people reading the featured notebooks come from all different backgrounds, and they might not immediately know what the notebook is about.

I would actually propose that you submit the notebook in Italian! There are lots of other Italian-speaking people out there who might really appreciate to read something in their native language. In fact, we were hoping to find more featured notebooks that are not written in English! Let me know if you have any doubts or questions :)

carrapaz commented 8 months ago

thanks for taking the time to look into the file and for the the advices @fonsp ! I will surely do that and i will gladly submit once is done, right now is at only 10% of what i need to do but it should be done in about a couple of weeks. i'll close the issue now and hopefully open the pull request soon, cya! :)