fonsp / Pluto.jl

🎈 Simple reactive notebooks for Julia
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Clock stops after few iteraction #2912

Open caxelrud opened 1 month ago

caxelrud commented 1 month ago

Clock stops after few interaction. I can see that one or more sections are hanging (executing forever). The problematic sections always change. Each section executes fast (milli-seconds or less). There are about 50 sections. I tried to slow-down the Clock to few minutes but doesn't make difference. I included the file. There is a http call to a server that will not allow you to complete execute, but you can inspect it anyway. Let me know how I can help with this problem by make any test from my side.

caxelrud commented 1 month ago

I changed the http get to a file read and the attached files now can be used for testing (just adjust the file folder). With this change I got no improvement. Then, I disable about half of the cells and now it is working! There are now 31 cells and execute in 1.1s. Clock is set to 60secs/tick. I will start to enable the cells one by one to see when the problem returns.

caxelrud commented 1 month ago

It is working now after I closed many tabs I had in Chrome! Chrome limits? Chrome bug? I still have about 13 Chrome task in the task manager (Windows) that it is not good. I will kill them.

fonsp commented 1 month ago

Hey! What do you mean with "clock stops"? Does the clock stop rotating? Does it keep rotating but not triggering cell runs? Is your notebook stuck running cells forever? (#2904) Does refreshing your tab fix the issue?

Could you please record a video to show the problem? A video will make it much easier for us. You can follow these instructions:

caxelrud commented 1 month ago

Hi. The clock keeps rotating but doesn't trigger the cells. The notebook is stuck running cells forever. I tried with Microsoft Edge browser and it has the same behaviour. Refresh solve the problem but the Clock stops and the Clock speed resets to 1. After you turn the Clock on it happens after few iteraction. I will record video latter today.

caxelrud commented 1 month ago

I did the recording of the problem. It takes about 4 min to happen from a fresh start. The recording size is too big. I am working to make it available from youtube (or other way).

caxelrud commented 1 month ago

ProblemRec3 Hi. This is a recording when the fail happened. It was after 7 iteractions of the Clock.