fonsp / Pluto.jl

🎈 Simple reactive notebooks for Julia
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Feature request: a tool to auto-create a function from a cell's dependencies #338

Open stillyslalom opened 4 years ago

stillyslalom commented 4 years ago

The idea is to simplify the process of going from a reactive Pluto environment to a (frozen) reusable function. Let's say we've been playing around with data for a while, trying to find qux as a function of bar: image

It'd be great to have a way to leverage Pluto's DAG of cell dependencies to automatically create a new cell defining a method

function f_qux(bar)
    foo = rand(10)
    baz = sum(foo .+ sin(bar))
    return baz^2

I'd stipulate that the new function would only take variables created via @bind as arguments, with all other dependencies set within the function's scope. The user could then modify the function as needed.

This enables:

fonsp commented 3 years ago


dralletje commented 3 years ago


fonsp commented 3 years ago

We are actually working on something very similar!

(Most of that document is a bit too specific about edge cases and the file format)

Let us know what you think!

stillyslalom commented 3 years ago

I feel like gets closer to what I was describing - I want to be able to select an output cell and, from it, generate a method that gets placed in a new cell. This would be a static, user-triggered process, rather than a reactive, continuous thing. The goal is to create ordinary Julia methods that can easily be used within other (Pluto-unaware) parts of the Julia ecosystem, like root-finders or optimization routines.