fonsp / Pluto.jl

🎈 Simple reactive notebooks for Julia
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Find (and Replace) #96

Open vdplasthijs opened 4 years ago

vdplasthijs commented 4 years ago

It would be super useful to have a 'Find' and 'Find and Replace' utility in Pluto! :)

Related to this, I think it would be useful if one could toggle between showing/collapsing all code cells. (I'm imaging the workflow: show all cells, find something, fix it and collapse the cells back to their original state.) Cheers!

fonsp commented 4 years ago

I'm also really missing CtrlD from Atom for "Select Same Words" andiwantitback.

CodeMirror supports word selection and multiple cursors already, so this shouldn't be too hard

fonsp commented 4 years ago

luis-mueller commented 3 years ago

Would you know any way to type in multiple cells (i.e. CodeMirrors) simultaneously? Implementing "Select Same Words" in one cell is fairly simple but I couldn't find a way to make multiple cells editable (or 'type-able') at the same time.

luis-mueller commented 3 years ago

However, maybe we could design/implement a little pop-in upon pressing Ctrl+F to find all occurances of a word, typed into one field in that pop-in and highlight these words and replace them with a word entered in a field right under. That is the standard UI for this behaviour in editors like Atom. It would however come with the cost that it makes the UI less minimalistic, which I find a great plus of Pluto.

I'd also love to implement this feature, if it is of interest ☺️

I'd definitly favor the "select same words" functionality though!

fonsp commented 3 years ago

a little pop-in upon pressing Ctrl+F


Would you know any way to type in multiple cells (i.e. CodeMirrors) simultaneously?

I don't know, but keep trying!