fonsp / Pluto.jl

🎈 Simple reactive notebooks for Julia
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Output cell is too small for the DataFrame and shows scrollbar #996

Closed jonasjonker closed 3 years ago

jonasjonker commented 3 years ago

When I output a dataframe, the output cell is to small for the DataFrame and therefor has a scrollbar. I tried it in two browsers (Firefox and Brave). I assume this is not a feature. What is the best way for me to help find the cause?


fonsp commented 3 years ago

This is a feature :)

jonasjonker commented 3 years ago

Oke :)

GiggleLiu commented 3 years ago


Hi, is there an easy way to remove the scrollbar here?

When $m<b$, the mapping is $(m, b) \rightarrow (b, b)$. Let `m` and `b` be 64 bit integers.
If all states have equal probability, their information entropies are $128\log 2$ and $64 \log 2$


(NOTE: just saw the PR, will try the master UPDATE: just checked the master branch does not solve my problem)

holomorphism commented 3 years ago

@GiggleLiu I was also wondering about the same issue.

When I checked the MathJax formula, the height of the element "mjx-assistive-mml" was exceeding the element "pluto-output", so I think this might be the cause.


I wasn't sure if this was a Pluto issue or a MathJax issue, so I hadn't reported this issue yet.

After adding the following custom css, the extra scrollbars are no longer displayed, so I have adopted this workaround when publishing notebooks as html.

mjx-assistive-mml { display: none !important; }
""" |> HTML

However, I am not sure if hiding "mjx-assistive-mml" will cause any problems.

GiggleLiu commented 3 years ago

@holomorphism Thanks for your magic spell, it solves my problem immediately.