fontdasu / ShipporiAntique

SIL Open Font License 1.1
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Glyphs missing extremes #2

Closed aaronbell closed 3 years ago

aaronbell commented 3 years ago

A number of the Latin / Kana glyphs are missing extremes. Adding extremes is particularly important for autohinted TTF fonts as it ensures optimal rendering:

0042 B B 0044 D D 00D0 Ð Eth 0050 P P 00DE Þ Thorn 0052 R R 0053 S S 0055 U U FF22 B B.full FF24 D D.full FF30 P P.full FF32 R R.full FF33 S S.full FF35 U U.full None Q.ss01 None Q.full.ss01 None R.ss01 None R.full.ss01 None J.full.vert.ss01 None Q.full.vert.ss01 None R.full.vert.ss01 None B.full.vert None D.full.vert None P.full.vert None R.full.vert None S.full.vert None U.full.vert 0061 a a 00E6 æ ae 0066 f f 0067 g g 0068 h h 006A j j 006D m m 006E n n 0072 r r 0074 t t 0075 u u 0079 y y FF41 a a.full FF46 f f.full FF47 g g.full FF48 h h.full FF4A j j.full FF4D m m.full FF4E n n.full FF52 r r.full None g.ss01 None g.full.ss01 FF54 t t.full FF55 u u.full None a.full.vert None f.full.vert None g.full.vert None h.full.vert None j.full.vert None m.full.vert None n.full.vert None r.full.vert None t.full.vert None u.full.vert None y.full.vert FF59 y y.full 00AA ª ordfeminine 3006 〆 close-han 3005 々 iterationmark-han 3042 あ a-hira 3041 ぁ asmall-hira 3044 い i-hira 3043 ぃ ismall-hira 3046 う u-hira 3045 ぅ usmall-hira 3048 え e-hira 3047 ぇ esmall-hira 304A お o-hira 3049 ぉ osmall-hira 304B か ka-hira 3095 ゕ kasmall-hira 304C が ga-hira 304D き ki-hira 304E ぎ gi-hira 3050 ぐ gu-hira 3051 け ke-hira 3052 げ ge-hira 3055 さ sa-hira 3059 す su-hira 305B せ se-hira 305D そ so-hira 305E ぞ zo-hira 305F た ta-hira 3060 だ da-hira 3061 ち ti-hira 3062 ぢ di-hira 3066 て te-hira 3067 で de-hira 3068 と to-hira 306A な na-hira 306B に ni-hira 306C ぬ nu-hira 306D ね ne-hira 306E の no-hira 306F は ha-hira 3070 ば ba-hira 3072 ひ hi-hira 3073 び bi-hira 3075 ふ hu-hira 3079 べ be-hira 307B ほ ho-hira 307C ぼ bo-hira 307E ま ma-hira 307F み mi-hira 3080 む mu-hira 3081 め me-hira 3082 も mo-hira 3084 や ya-hira 3083 ゃ yasmall-hira 3086 ゆ yu-hira 3085 ゅ yusmall-hira 3088 よ yo-hira 3087 ょ yosmall-hira 3089 ら ra-hira 308B る ru-hira 308C れ re-hira 308F わ wa-hira 308E ゎ wasmall-hira 3091 ゑ we-hira 3092 を wo-hira 3093 ん n-hira 3094 ゔ vu-hira 30A2 ア a-kata 30A1 ァ asmall-kata 30A4 イ i-kata 30A3 ィ ismall-kata 30A6 ウ u-kata 30A5 ゥ usmall-kata 30A8 エ e-kata 30A7 ェ esmall-kata 30AA オ o-kata 30A9 ォ osmall-kata 30AB カ ka-kata 30F5 ヵ kasmall-kata 30AD キ ki-kata 30AF ク ku-kata 31F0 ㇰ kusmall-kata 30B1 ケ ke-kata 30F6 ヶ kesmall-kata 30B3 コ ko-kata 30B4 ゴ go-kata 30B5 サ sa-kata 30B7 シ si-kata 31F1 ㇱ sismall-kata 30B9 ス su-kata 31F2 ㇲ susmall-kata 30BB セ se-kata 30BD ソ so-kata 30BF タ ta-kata 30C1 チ ti-kata 30C4 ツ tu-kata 30C3 ッ tusmall-kata 30C6 テ te-kata 30C8 ト to-kata 31F3 ㇳ tosmall-kata 30CA ナ na-kata 30CB ニ ni-kata 30CC ヌ nu-kata 31F4 ㇴ nusmall-kata 30CD ネ ne-kata 30CF ハ ha-kata 31F5 ㇵ hasmall-kata 30D2 ヒ hi-kata 31F6 ㇶ hismall-kata 30D5 フ hu-kata 31F7 ㇷ husmall-kata 30DB ホ ho-kata 31F9 ㇹ hosmall-kata 30DC ボ bo-kata 30DE マ ma-kata 30DF ミ mi-kata 30E0 ム mu-kata 31FA ㇺ musmall-kata 30E1 メ me-kata 30E2 モ mo-kata 30E4 ヤ ya-kata 30E3 ャ yasmall-kata 30E6 ユ yu-kata 30E5 ュ yusmall-kata 30E8 ヨ yo-kata 30E7 ョ yosmall-kata 30E9 ラ ra-kata 31FB ㇻ rasmall-kata 30EA リ ri-kata 31FC ㇼ rismall-kata 30EB ル ru-kata 31FD ㇽ rusmall-kata 30EC レ re-kata 31FE ㇾ resmall-kata 30ED ロ ro-kata 31FF ㇿ rosmall-kata 30EF ワ wa-kata 30EE ヮ wasmall-kata 30F0 ヰ wi-kata 30F1 ヱ we-kata 30F2 ヲ wo-kata 30F4 ヴ vu-kata 3033 〳 repeatUpperhalf-kana 3034 〴 repeatVoicedUpperhalf-kana FF12 2 two.full FF13 3 three.full FF15 5 five.full FF16 6 six.full FF18 8 eight.full FF19 9 nine.full 0032 2 two 0033 3 three 0035 5 five 0036 6 six 0039 9 nine 2460 ① one.circled 2461 ② two.circled 2462 ③ three.circled 2464 ⑤ five.circled 2465 ⑥ six.circled 2468 ⑨ nine.circled None two.half None three.half None five.half None six.half None nine.half None two.full.vert None three.full.vert None five.full.vert None six.full.vert None eight.full.vert None nine.full.vert 00B9 ¹ onesuperior 00B2 ² twosuperior 00B3 ³ threesuperior 00BD ½ onehalf 00BC ¼ onequarter 00BE ¾ threequarters 002C , comma 003B ; semicolon 3003 〃 dittomark 303D 〽 partalternationmark FE45 ﹅ sesamedot FE46 ﹆ whitesesamedot FF20 @ at.full None comma.half None semicolon.half FF1B ; semicolon.full None semicolon.full.vert 0028 ( parenleft 0029 ) parenright 007B { braceleft 007D } braceright FF5B { braceleft.full FF5D } braceright.full FE37 ︷ braceleft.full.vert FE38 ︸ braceright.full.vert None parenleft.half None parenright.half FF08 ( parenleft.full FF09 ) parenright.full FE35 ︵ parenleft.full.vert FE36 ︶ parenright.full.vert 301C 〜 wavedash None wavedash.vert 201A ‚ quotesinglbase 201E „ quotedblbase 201C “ quotedblleft 201D ” quotedblright 2018 ‘ quoteleft 2019 ’ quoteright None quotedblleft.full None quotedblright.full None quoteleft.full None quoteright.full 3001 、 comma-han FE11 ︑ comma-han.vert 0024 $ dollar 00A3 £ sterling 007E ~ asciitilde 00B5 µ micro 2660 ♠ spadeBlackSuit 2663 ♣ clubBlackSuit 2668 ♨ hotsprings 0040 @ at 00A7 § section 2669 ♩ quarternote-musical 266A ♪ note-musical 266B ♫ notedbl-musical 266C ♬ beamedsixteenthnotes-musical None corporationSquare.vert None heiseieraSquare.vert None meizieraSquare.vert None syouwaeraSquare.vert None taisyoueraSquare.vert 02BC ʼ apostrophemod 02BB ʻ commaturnedmod 309E ゞ voicediteration-hira 30FC ー prolonged-kana 30FD ヽ iteration-kata None voicedcomb-kana.001 32FF ㋿ uni32FF None uni32FF.vert E000  uniE000 E001  uniE001 E002  uniE002 E003  uniE003 E004  uniE004 E005  uniE005 E007  uniE007 E083  uniE083 E084  uniE084 E085  uniE085 E086  uniE086 E087  uniE087 E088  uniE088 E089  uniE089 E08A  uniE08A E08B  uniE08B E08D  uniE08D E08F  uniE08F E091  uniE091 E092  uniE092 E093  uniE093 E094  uniE094 E095  uniE095 E096  uniE096 E097  uniE097 E098  uniE098 E099  uniE099 E09E  uniE09E E0A4  uniE0A4 E0E3  uniE0E3 E0E5  uniE0E5 E0E6  uniE0E6 None uniE099.vert None uniE0DB.vert

I recommend using the Glyphs plugin Red Arrows to find where the issues are.

fontdasu commented 3 years ago

I have installed the Glyphs plugin Red Arrows, but do you know how to show only "extremes"? I also get errors other than "extremes".

スクリーンショット 2020-11-08 3 16 17

By the way, is it absolutely necessary to delete "extremes"? It takes more than half a year to modify all fonts such as Shippori Mincho and ShipporiAntique and Mochiypop.

I can't fix this problem automatically and speedily. :(

aaronbell commented 3 years ago

No, unfortunately I don't know how to turn off all of the other red arrows :(.

I'd suggest running Paths > Add Extremes. It doesn't work perfectly, but it'll take care of most situations:


Now, ideally one would go back and clean up a lot of the situations where you now have extraneous points, but that is not a major issue in my mind.

fontdasu commented 3 years ago

I was able to select only glyphs that extremes missed and yay in Red Arrows! :)

スクリーンショット 2020-11-11 2 20 29

After updating the glyphs version to 2.6.6 (1349), I got a dialog.

I filed a glyph that extremes is missing. Check the file of the file.

aaronbell commented 3 years ago

Looks good! Thanks :)