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auto-redirect to the download page #129

Closed z-aki closed 5 years ago

z-aki commented 5 years ago

this can get a problem when safari warns about non secure form and confirms "send"

frank-trampe commented 5 years ago

How is this any different? In particular, if the form submission fails, why would setting the window location work but making the link appear not work?

z-aki commented 5 years ago

Oh, I think I commented unclear. The window location setting is to reduce the extra step of clicking the link to get the download. What I meant by the above comment is that this redirect can get stuck due to this image @frank-trampe

frank-trampe commented 5 years ago

That error happens before the code you've inserted would run, though, right? If you edit this change into the existing page via developer tools, does it actually work?

z-aki commented 5 years ago

the purpose of this line of code is to redirect the user.

z-aki commented 5 years ago

The form warning comes no matter what unless you move to https!

frank-trampe commented 5 years ago

Yes, I understand the purpose of the code. My question is whether it actually achieves the intended purpose. If you make the change in question to the live page, does it actually redirect you as designed, or does execution stop on the insecure form warning?

z-aki commented 5 years ago

this warning does not appear on chrome and in safari, live JS editing is not possible according to some answers on stack overflow.

frank-trampe commented 5 years ago

I've put your code here for testing. See what happens in Safari.

z-aki commented 5 years ago

Yes it redirected and the warning didn't appear. Thank you so much for incorporating that. In version 12 of Safari, on macOS 10.14, it worked. I would further like to work on email verification. I would love some tips and directions

frank-trampe commented 5 years ago

Try that same page now. I would like there to be a delay so that the "thank you" text appears briefly. Does it work?

z-aki commented 5 years ago

yes, the delay is noticeable and thanks is legible. The warning doesn't appear. In iOS 12 safari, the address bar shows in red insecure form. But no interruptions.