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Update with new documentation #145

Closed jtanx closed 4 years ago

jtanx commented 4 years ago

Same as #143, but this should work this time.

The issue with #143 is that Sphinx has directories with underscores, which Jekyll ignores by default, The initial approach I went with, which works locally, but apparently not when run under GH pages, is to add the docs directly to the _site folder and add keep_files: ["docs"] to the _config.yml.

This approach changes that to have the docs folder outside of the _site directory (as normal), and to add:

  - _static
  - _images

To the config.yml. This seems to work locally, and also seems to work on github pages (test site:

ctrlcctrlv commented 4 years ago

Nice :-)

Let's wait for the release to merge it like you planned.

jtanx commented 4 years ago

The documentation is still there, just moved. There comes a point in time when you just have to make breaking changes.

jtanx commented 4 years ago

Yes. For the best part of a couple of years, it was broken anyway, due to the domain name issues. It's not entirely all that hard to just look it up again to find what you're after.

Edit: For clarification, this and the previous comment were with relation to comments, now deleted (by the author) regarding broken links from old versions of FontForge.

++ Technically the breakage could be fixed by updating the redirect there, although I have no control over that project.