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Bintray storage disabled — switch to other storage for CI artifacts #162

Closed ghost closed 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

Bintray actually disabled its storage access and will be shutdown:

As a result FontForge artifacts NOT available anymore:


jtanx commented 3 years ago

Yes this is known but the documentation hasn't been updated. You can grab the latest from the artifacts on e.g.

ctrlcctrlv commented 3 years ago

I'll write a documentation PR. Moving to fontforge/…

ghost commented 3 years ago

You can grab the latest from the artifacts on e.g.

@jtanx @ctrlcctrlv, GitHub Artifacts are NOT available for download for not logged-in users / non-GitHub users.

Please, upload latest artifacts using @probonopd's uploadtool as assets to continuous pre-release (so all users may grab it without even GitHub account):

ctrlcctrlv commented 3 years ago

@Symbian9 You can make an issue for that over on FontForge tracker. I don't know that we're gonna do it, but if you put a PR there it could happen after some discussion.

probonopd commented 3 years ago

Also check out Simple, does the job.

ctrlcctrlv commented 3 years ago

That'd pollute the Releases page with in-development stuff…

ghost commented 3 years ago

That'd pollute the Releases page with in-development stuff…

No, as at the same time only single latest build would available as assets (no need to store all previous nightly builds)

ctrlcctrlv commented 3 years ago

Still, wouldn't this mean that users are shown a development build before a stable build on the Releases page? That's what I mean by pollute, not that I thought it'd flood the Releases page.

In FontForge speak, a release is always a stable release. These are just developer builds.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Still, wouldn't this mean that users are shown a development build before a stable build on the Releases page?

Users should read what they are grabbing:

For the latest release there is already a link: