fonttools / fontbakery

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FontBakery Mission Covenant #4179

Open felipesanches opened 1 year ago

felipesanches commented 1 year ago
davelab6 commented 1 year ago

Do we need anything else?

A mandate from the user community and user-developer stakeholders.

For the former, I started a TD thread to try to gather more signals @

For the latter, I believe a well run summit event would help.

Stepping back a bit, to the meta level of this issue, I'd like to share this link, which is where I learned about the more formal vision/mission/etc definitions and how they fit together:

  1. Vision (long term) 'dream statement' of where we dream to be in a few years - the world we hope to arrive into, the big picture we are moving towards.

  2. Mission (long term) what are we, what do we do, why do we do it - this should hold good for the same amount of time as the Vision; what exists today, that powers us to move towards the Vision

  3. Goals (mid term) expected outcomes that are not measurable, eg "Increase adoption of Sugar by non-English-native-speaking children". These typically arise from a SWOT analysis.

  4. Objectives (mid term) specific targets that are measurable, eg "Increase 8 translation locales from 80% coverage to 100% coverage before 2017/1/1"

  5. Tasks (short term) actual activities that are assigned to people to get done, eg "Chris Leonard to organize volunteers to meet the translation objective."