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User Stores-Trusted Peers #6

Open LinnierGames opened 5 years ago

LinnierGames commented 5 years ago

Parent sets up trusted peers the child can ping

In the app, Sam can add trusted peers of Dakota to our platform in the event Sam isn't available to unlock Dakota's car upon request. Sam enters three contacts of Dakota's friends (collects their name and a phone number).

Sam enters the number of approvals, from trusted peers, are required to unlock Dakota's car.

LinnierGames commented 5 years ago

Child pings their trusted peers to unlock their car

Dakota wants to leave the party. Dakota calls Sam but no answer.

As a precaution, Dakota was told if they call and their parents are asleep, Dakota can ask their friends to collectively unlock Dakota's car. These friends of Dakota are trusted by Dakota's parents and they assigned the friends as trusted peers.

 ~~and tell them they'll need to add this key verifier to their car~~. Dakota's parents explain to them when they arrive at the party, they'll need to leave the car keys in the car ~~key verifier~~ before locking the car. Doing this will tell Dakota's parents they've arrived at the party. And later when Dakota wants to return home, they'll need to call their parents before the parent can unlock the car.