foobnix / LibreraReader

Book Reader for Android
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[bug] Changing Accent color affects some Header text, resulting in poor readability due to dark text on dark background #1280

Open pandadeepimpact opened 1 month ago

pandadeepimpact commented 1 month ago

On default, the header text is white, providing good contrast to the dark header background (Trim color), while the Accent color is often dark, providing good contrast to the white background (on Light theme).

However, when Accent color is changed, it affects both, where dark text/icons on an already dark background become difficult to see, especially during reading mode, as demonstrated in the video below.

It seems to modify anything clickable, instead of only those that use the default Accent color (teal). I think this needs to be corrected, as it's very difficult to find an Accent color that would fit both white and dark background.