foobnix / LibreraReader

Book Reader for Android
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Search OPDS feed (Calibre-Web) #659

Open rg9400 opened 3 years ago

rg9400 commented 3 years ago

I recently purchased Librera Pro, and I am really liking it. I was just wondering if there was a way to search when using an OPDS feed, namely from Calibre-Web (not to be confused with Calibre's own OPDS feed)

The feed itself works fine, I can see covers, series info, genres, formats, summaries, etc. in the catalog. Just cannot find a way to search, and I was wondering if it was missing from Librera completely, I had missed how to do it, or there is some specific incompatibility with Calibre-Web. The feed can be searched in some other apps like FBReader, but I would much prefer to use Librera if possible

PLkTZSkZ commented 3 years ago

Hi, I was wondering about the same thing and it turned out that this is not an issue with librera but with calibre-web itself. It was addressed in this issue and after I changed it after this commit on my instance, I could use the search in librera.

The only thing still not perfect is that the search cannot use spaces (as in hitting spacebar) and this this seems to be on librera. (since my koreader is substituting spaces to %s it works there but in librera spaces have to be substituted directly with userinput with _ or % like this: searchterm, search%term) But with using or % instead of spaces you can then even search for multiword strings like author and title.

So I think this issue here can be closed. :)
