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Adding source to data submitted with logged listen? #29

Open jbwharris opened 3 weeks ago

jbwharris commented 3 weeks ago

I'm curious if pairing the data source with a submitted song is possible? I have a rather idiosyncratic setup, but it would be simplified so much if I could split data by source.

1) I have 2 accounts, one for logging absolutely everything, and a second for logging everything I listen to outside of Apple Music. This can be from Web Scrobbler or Finale. The goal of splitting my data in this way is to make it so I can import the listening I do outside of Apple Music into my Apple Music library. If I didn't split the data, I'd be creating a recursive loop of reimporting songs I already have in my library. 2) To do the syncing between the 2 accounts, this is where I use I log the plays to it, then sync those to my second account. For Spotify, since it allows multiple app integrations, I can log plays directly to the second account. 3) I use SongShift to do the importing of my tracks to Apple Music. It has the ability to pull the 100 Recently Scrobbled, but this is a misnomer, as I'm pretty sure it'll submit up to 1000, the API limit. These songs go into my library and in turn immensely improve the recommendations I get from Apple Music.

Now with all that said, I'd love to be able to identify the source that's logging the tracks, then be able to pull them out direct from based on whether it was non-Apple Music plays.

mattl commented 2 weeks ago

This is an interesting setup. Ultimately I’d like to be able to offer something for this. Keeping this open.