foocorp / hacienda

The Hacienda must be built
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
194 stars 6 forks source link

Beta testers for when we're ready (please comment with your operating system, device type... use to do this easily. Also let me know if you have *any* familiarity with a Unix command line and/or the Ruby language) #2

Open mattl opened 1 year ago

mattl commented 1 year ago user mginco offered to beta test.

louisgrasset commented 5 months ago

Hey, I’d like to participate too

kvltyapka commented 5 months ago

Count me in

BNH440 commented 5 months ago

I'd also like to help out

girlmaya commented 5 months ago


tandav commented 5 months ago

I'd like to test the new version too

Shianiiiu commented 5 months ago

Im here! Count me in PLZ.Id like to help test.

Badgerr commented 5 months ago

I am in.

limcosta commented 5 months ago

I would like to

faq0 commented 5 months ago


voyager commented 5 months ago

An experienced beta tester here.

not-tobo commented 5 months ago

I would love to help testing :p

Droppisalt commented 5 months ago

Would love to help test :)

idrathersink commented 5 months ago

Happy to be a beta tester when the time comes. THANKS!

mattl commented 5 months ago

I have put up the first of (many) prototypes.

janerationx commented 5 months ago

Would love to beta test.


NOTE: I'm using Windows 11, not 10. Not sure why it says that.

mattl commented 5 months ago

I have posted some thoughts on how login should work #13

MannuVilasara commented 5 months ago

count me in

ea-st commented 5 months ago

Willing to help!

SelormDev commented 5 months ago

I'm also interested!

mattl commented 5 months ago

Some thoughts on user profile pages: #14

dacmail commented 5 months ago

I want to test it!

alessandroseni commented 5 months ago

Interested in beta testing

shmustin commented 5 months ago

I would be interested. Thanks!

dramonroca commented 5 months ago

Same here

mattl commented 4 months ago

Played around with deploying Rails apps today. Built a new Ubuntu server and here we are: — code is but this is basically just a default Rails app with a tiny bit of code from a tutorial… but I was able to do this all by myself in about 4 hours. Feeling good about it.

Hacienda will be a series of small Rails apps I think so I can deploy pieces in different places. For example, we don’t need a lot of resources for just resetting passwords :)

It’s not much but it’s the first new thing on the domain name for some time. Beta testers, leave an emoji on this comment when you’ve had a chance to check it out.

nyabinary commented 4 months ago

Played around with deploying Rails apps today. Built a new Ubuntu server and here we are: — code is but this is basically just a default Rails app with a tiny bit of code from a tutorial… but I was able to do this all by myself in about 4 hours. Feeling good about it.

Hacienda will be a series of small Rails apps I think so I can deploy pieces in different places. For example, we don’t need a lot of resources for just resetting passwords :)

It’s not much but it’s the first new thing on the domain name for some time. Beta testers, leave an emoji on this comment when you’ve had a chance to check it out.

Isn't rails bad for scaling?

mattl commented 4 months ago

Not especially, 37signals just released a chat application that can support hundreds of concurrent users chatting on a machine with just 2Gb RAM. right now runs on two machines with 4GB RAM plus a database server. We use caching effectively too.

prk0ghy commented 4 months ago

Very testing much awaiting account. No honestly an account would be great. I will see if I can help in any way shape or form.

themidnightmaniac commented 4 months ago

Count me in!

jvresol commented 4 months ago

I'd also like to help test!

szfkamil commented 4 months ago

Happy to test actively!

jfml commented 4 months ago

Yes, please!

IGS-GIT commented 4 months ago

Here to test

scapehips commented 4 months ago

I would love to be a tester as well!

dellmark100 commented 4 months ago

I want to beta

MTLVMPR commented 4 months ago

Would love to try it

i1li commented 4 months ago

Hello and God bless!

teethenamel commented 4 months ago


gitalosh commented 4 months ago

Very interested to assist with BETA.

PeterGeeza commented 4 months ago


nyabinary commented 4 months ago

unseenlarks commented 4 months ago

scapehips commented 4 months ago the data it collected is wrong though. I am on win11, screen is 1080p, my edge is on ver122.0.2365.80

virtadpt commented 4 months ago

gngp commented 4 months ago

Interested in beta testing. Have experience with Unix but not Ruby.

grdryn commented 3 months ago
kir68k commented 3 months ago

Still willing to help with testing

Shabinder commented 3 months ago
jasondmoss commented 3 months ago

I'm still in for testing:

About My Browser

perbehaps commented 3 months ago

I'd like to beta test.

Browser Detials It is getting displayed as firefox on windows 7 on 'about my browser' but it's actually Brave v1.63.174 on windows 10, browser size = 1920 x 965 px