fooloomanzoo / datetime-picker

A minimal picker for date and time for Polymer, that can use the native input
MIT License
78 stars 18 forks source link

inner-input styles of --calendar-element theme not applied on IE 11 #48

Closed schrotie closed 5 years ago

schrotie commented 6 years ago

--calendar-element: { background-color: var(--qio-primary-background-color); --inner-input-focus-color: var(--qio-secondary-color-inverted); --inner-input-focus-background: var(--qio-secondary-color); }; This works on Chrome and it doesn't on IE 11. The main problem is, that in my style the month becomes invisible when selected.

IE 11: image

Same in Chrome: image

And IE with selected month: image

fooloomanzoo commented 5 years ago

shady-css-mixins are highly instable and not reliable. Not possible for me to fix that