fooloomanzoo / datetime-picker

A minimal picker for date and time for Polymer, that can use the native input
MIT License
78 stars 18 forks source link

calendar-element When confirm, it autoSubmit form #58

Closed tandacedric closed 6 years ago

tandacedric commented 6 years ago

I have the date-picker in my form(iron-form). When i choose and confirm date on date-picker with calendar, it auto submit my form.

fooloomanzoo commented 6 years ago

What do you mean by it submits my form?

fooloomanzoo commented 6 years ago

The only thing the element does, that it implements a validation function so that iron-form can validate the input value. Submitting is part part of your implementation. Please have a look at the demo for the element in an iron-form in the demo-folder. Don't forget the name attribute.

tandacedric commented 6 years ago

this is my code, i am use datetime-picker 2.9.1 `
