fooloomanzoo / datetime-picker

A minimal picker for date and time for Polymer, that can use the native input
MIT License
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Style input to fit Twitter Bootstrap #65

Open qweluke opened 5 years ago

qweluke commented 5 years ago

I wonder if it is possible to style input element to fit it to the Twitter Bootstrap style?

Zrzut ekranu 2019-04-29 o 12 46 24

<div class="form-group">
    <label class="label">
        {formatMessage(this.messages, 'widget.form.check_in_date')}
    <div class="control">
        <date-picker auto-confirm={true}
                     class='form-control checkInDate'

and my custom styles:

date-picker {

  --input-color: $baseColor;
  --input-background: red;

  --input-picker-color: $baseColor;
  --input-picker-background: #fff;

  --input-focus-background: #fff;
  --input-focus-color: $baseColor;

  --inner-input-focus-background: #fff;
  --inner-input-focus-color: #000;
  --dropdown-background: #9bf1e1;

  --input-border-width: 0;

qweluke commented 5 years ago

for now i have dropped .form-control class and styled more-less it like this:

date-picker {

  --input-field-padding: 0.375rem 0.75rem;
  --input-padding: 0.075rem 0.8rem;
  --input-border-style: solid;

  --input-border-color: $baseColor;

  --input-color: $baseColor;
  --input-background: #fff;

  --input-picker-color: $baseColor;
  --input-picker-background: #fff;

  --input-focus-background: #fff;
  --input-focus-color: $baseColor;

  --inner-input-focus-background: #fff;
  --inner-input-focus-color: #000;
  --dropdown-background: transparent;