fooman / googleanalyticsplus

Magento Extension to add extra features to the default GoogleAnalytics module.
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product page price does not include tax #109

Closed phoenix164 closed 6 years ago

phoenix164 commented 7 years ago

The code in Remarketing.php below outputs price excluding tax. Any ideas how to change this to output price including tax?

public function getEcommPValue() { if ($this->getPageType() == self::GA_PAGETYPE_PRODUCT) { return sprintf( "%01.2f", Mage::helper('googleanalyticsplus')->convert( Mage::registry('current_product'), 'final_price', Mage::app()->getStore()->getCurrentCurrencyCode()

fooman commented 7 years ago

@phoenix164 you'll probably need to take a look at using Mage_Tax_Helper_Data::getPrice()