fooman / googleanalyticsplus

Magento Extension to add extra features to the default GoogleAnalytics module.
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remove dublicate script tags in tagmanager template #119

Closed steffen-wirth closed 6 years ago

steffen-wirth commented 6 years ago

Tagmanager is not working now, we need to remove the dublicated script tags in tagmanger template file

fooman commented 6 years ago

@steffen-wirth thanks for the PR - it currently looks like there is some duplication that happened with PR #15. Let's move this further in the direction of what PR #15 tried to do, in other words not needing to enter the full snippet but rather just the ID. Can you check if removing your tag manager snippet from the back-end setting solves the duplicate for you?

steffen-wirth commented 6 years ago

@fooman i had no entry for the tag manager snippet in the backend, the problem is, that there where two script tags in the template conflicting but i also realised later that, when the backend entry for the tagmanager is empty, there also need to be change in the observer checking this setting other wise the tagmanager template is not shown

fooman commented 6 years ago

@steffen-wirth thanks for the feedback. Can you check what changes would be needed with the latest release 0.18.3?

steffen-wirth commented 6 years ago

@fooman will have a look in the next days. shall i send you a new pull request with the changes?

steffen-wirth commented 6 years ago

@fooman i would also remove the not necessary config field for analyticsplus_tagmanager/snippet & the empty check for that field in the block class

steffen-wirth commented 6 years ago

Hi @fooman last week i had the time to work with v. 0.18.3 and the tagmanager seems fine, thx - i close this