The following throws when the list is constructed.
Somewhere a proxy to a std::container is allocated with the allocator passed to it and the proxy has size 16 and 16 is larger than sizeof(Item).
The goal is to speed up vectors with lots of small items, single threaded. Or should I use another allocator for that?
struct Item
int16_t a = 0;
int16_t b = 0;
using MemoryPoolType = memory::memory_pool<memory::small_node_pool>;
using ListType = memory::vector<Item, MemoryPoolType>;
void test()
MemoryPoolType pool(sizeof(Item), 1024);
ListType list(pool);
Hello, The following throws when the list is constructed. Somewhere a proxy to a std::container is allocated with the allocator passed to it and the proxy has size 16 and 16 is larger than sizeof(Item).
The goal is to speed up vectors with lots of small items, single threaded. Or should I use another allocator for that?