fooplugins / FooTable

jQuery plugin to make HTML tables responsive
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footable is not working with jquery-ui datepicker #676

Open jpgujar opened 7 years ago

jpgujar commented 7 years ago

Here is my javascript.Only Footable is working but datepicker and Bootstrap tooltip js is not applied I want to use all of them in same page. $(document).ready(function () { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip();

}); $(function () { $(".myDate").datepicker({ format: "dd-mm-yyyy", startDate: "01-01-1990", startView: 2, clearBtn: !0, forceParse: !1, calendarWeeks: !0, autoclose: !0, todayHighlight: !0 });

}); $('.table').footable(); function pageLoad(sender, args) { if (args.get_isPartialLoad()) {


    $(function () {
            format: "dd-mm-yyyy",
            startDate: "01-01-1990",
            startView: 2,
            clearBtn: !0,
            forceParse: !1,
            calendarWeeks: !0,
            autoclose: !0,
            todayHighlight: !0


IrvanWijaya commented 5 years ago

I have the same problem with the same datepicker plugins. Any solution?

cslevy commented 5 years ago

You need to do with delegation

Something like this $('.footable').on('focusin', '.myDate', function() { $(this).datepicker(); })

arnaldinhobjj commented 6 months ago

try adding $('.footable').footable();