forc-db / GROA

This repository houses data and code for the Global Reforestation Opportunity Assessment (GROA) led by Susan Cook-Patton of the Nature Conservancy.
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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create HISTORY table #16

Closed ValentineHerr closed 4 years ago

ValentineHerr commented 5 years ago

@teixeirak, it might be a silly question but what does SNR mean in this file?

teixeirak commented 5 years ago

Spontaneous natural regeneration. (Not a silly question!)

ValentineHerr commented 5 years ago

@teixeirak, what should hist.type be for "SNR" ? (It is not in table 2 of the file.) Also the document says "If pasture or crop, there is no establishment or regrowth" but what about Fire (F), Harvest (H) and Shifting cultivation (SC) ?

teixeirak commented 5 years ago

when refor.type is SNR, hist.type would be "Initiation of post-disturbance cohort (natural)”. Any other code indicates a control used for comparison with regen vegetation (age=0). This should apply to fire, harvest, SC.

ValentineHerr commented 5 years ago

Sorry @teixeirak, my question was not complete... What should be the hist.type for the first event when refor.type is SNR? Or maybe I misunderstand the table and that means that there is no disturbance/NoDisturbance event when refor.type is SNR (if that is the case I understand that event number one becomes the establishment, right?)

teixeirak commented 5 years ago

SNR (refor.type) would indicate the regrowth/ establishment hist.types. The disturbance would be determined by the prior field. If there is no data in prior, then establishment is event 1.

Does that make sense now?

ValentineHerr commented 5 years ago


What I am missing is how to assign hist.type and percent.mortaliy based on prior because what exsits in the databse for prior is more complexe and more diverse than what is in refor.type and what is in table 2 of your word document.

The options for refor.type are C, F, H, PA, SC, SNR. The options for prior are: H F M SC PA C C/PA H/F SC/PA/H H/D F/D D TMC PA/H PA/C PA/F C/H SC/F SC/PA SC, PA SC & PA SC,PA SC, PA, H F/H SC/C

And just to make sure I have it right once you help with the above.

  1. If refor.type is "SNR"

    a. if prior is empty

    • event.sequence 1: "Establishment" with hist.type "Establishment of oldest trees"
    • event.sequence 2: "Regrowth" with hist.type "Initiation of post-disturbance cohort (planted or natural)"

    b. if prior is NOT empty

    • event.sequence 1: "Disturbance" with hist.type [your answer about prior]
    • event.sequence 2: "Establishment" with hist.type "Establishment of oldest trees"
    • event.sequence 3: "Regrowth" with hist.type "Initiation of post-disturbance cohort (planted or natural)"
  2. If refor.type is NOT "SNR":

    • event.sequence 1: look at refor.type and define (if refor.type is "OG", then "No.disturbance", otherwise "Disturbance") and hist.type based on table 2 and refor.type
ValentineHerr commented 5 years ago

@CookPatton , where there is multiple codes in prior (e.g. C/PA or PA/F...), do we know the order in which these occured? If not, can we come up with some rules for each of these categories as to what should be the sequence of disturbance?

CookPatton commented 5 years ago

@ValentineHerr I only recorded the most recent land use so C/PA refers to a paper that said something vague like "prior to regeneration land was used for crop and pasture."

ValentineHerr commented 5 years ago

Thanks @CookPatton!, @teixeirak, how should I interpret that then ?

teixeirak commented 5 years ago
GROA regen type Hist.type percent.mortality
C = crop Cultivation 100
SC = shifting cultivation/fallow agriculture/slash and burn agriculture Shifting cultivation 100
H = clearcut harvest Harvest 100
F= fire Burned NAC
D = non-fire disturbance such as landslide or hurricane NAC[TKA1] NAC
PA = pasture Grazed 100
new categories:
C/PA or PA/C Agriculture_generic 100
SC/PA/H Agriculture_generic 100
H/D StandClearing 100
F/D StandClearing 100
H/F or F/H StandClearing 100
PA/C Agriculture_generic 100
SC/PA or SC, PA or SC & PA or SC,PA or SC, PA Agriculture_generic 100
SC/C Cultivation 100
M = Mining StandClearing 100
TMC = "tree" monocrop (e.g., banana/rubber plantation) Cultivation 100
The following get two history events:
PA/H Harvest 100
" Grazed 100
PA/F Burned 100
" Grazed 100
C/H Harvest 100
" Cultivation 100
SC/F Fire 100
" Shifting cultivation 100

@CookPatton, please check that I've interpreted all off those right.

CookPatton commented 5 years ago

@ValentineHerr and @teixeirak - first of all kudos for all the work you have put in to sync GROA with ForC!

M = mining TMC = "tree" monocrop (e.g., banana/rubber plantation)

teixeirak commented 5 years ago

@CookPatton, Thanks! @ValentineHerr, this should be ready to go.