force11 / force11-sciwg

FORCE11 Software Citation Implementation Working Group
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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generate CodeMeta files for software in zenodo #36

Open danielskatz opened 6 years ago

danielskatz commented 6 years ago

For software that is in zenodo, use the metadata to generate codemeta files. Then either mail then to the author who submitted to zenodo, or do a PR to put then in the source repo.

(idea from @rsdoiel)

katrinleinweber commented 6 years ago

Is an automated pull request bot in-scope here?

danielskatz commented 6 years ago

I don't think the mechanism is difficult - an automated bot would be fine.

This is more a question of if this is a good idea - what will the maintainers think?

Do we need to do more PR and advertising first, and then do this?

Anyhow, it's really an idea for discussion, and I appreciate willingness to help.

sdruskat commented 6 years ago

I've had the same idea for CFF files (triggered by a comment by Simon Hettrick in Slack), but after discussion with colleagues during the WSSSPE5.1 speed blogging session decided to not do it as I would not want to annoy maintainers. Might be a different scenario here though as you already have the generated files to commit, so actually save the maintainer some work.

katrinleinweber commented 6 years ago

Plus, those who took the step of setting up the Zenodo connection might be open-minded about such contributions. Also, I have made good experiences with cold-pull-requesting CITATION files. The "worst" was that a maintainer preferred a different paper to be cited.
